35 MILLION migrants heading to Europe, says Hungary as it builds second fence

in #life7 years ago

This is the entire population of CANADA! They have no skills, can't speak the language, have no money, no job, no medical and no place to live. Your taxes will skyrocket to pay for these people. Your crime will skyrocket. You will be in line for hospitals, food, any medical procedure. This is quite serious!

The huge figure was revealed today by Hungary's minister for foreign affairs and trade Peter Szijjártó.

Speaking as the country begins work on its second fence to stop migrants heading across its border he predicted the current crisis will continue for years.

Mr Szijjártó told the Hungarian Times: "The name of the fence is 'Temporary Security Border Fence' but I think there is no question that in this case temporary means years.

"It's a self delusion to call this situation a migration crisis; it is a massive migration of nations, with inexhaustible reserves.

"I don't think that the analysis results, stating that 30-35 million people out there could possibly become migrants, would be an exaggeration.

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