Proof - USA has Ownership of You - NAWAPA (North American Water & Power) 14.3 Quadrillion

in #crypto7 years ago

How can this possibly be true, you may ask? First, you need to remember that the original Republic of United States was a compact and alliance of the individual states; each state was recognized as a separate nation under international law. The original United States functioned similar to a chartered trade organization of member states, not as a 'country'.

This all changed when congressional representatives of the Southern states abandoned their posts in 1861, congress dissolved taking the Constitutional republic of the United States with it; the Southern states signed the Articles of Confederation, which in effect split the 'country' into two separate organizations; the union and confederacy, with the people as shareholders.

After the civil war, under the Military Reconstruction Acts, a new United States corporation, which formed in 1871. Google: Organic Act of 1871; this can be also confirmed by referring to United States Code, Title 28, Chapter 176 under Federal Debt collection procedures.

Section 3002 (15) states that legal definition of “United States” means:
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.

Note that this legal definition does not include any reference to a constitutional republic, country, nation, compact of states, geographic area, or people!

The definition only refers to agencies and instrumentalities of the United States corporation.

The UNITED STATES corporation went bankrupt in 1933, resulting in establishing a federal bankruptcy trust; the FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM is the 'Public Trust', and all property of the UNITED STATES, which also applies to the 'states', are held in trust under bankruptcy law; this property includes all land, all real estate, and even the PEOPLE, are held as the collateral for the debt owed to international central bankers/ investors in the (BIS) Bank of International Settlements.

However, every individual can invalidate this unlawful trust on the grounds fraud, lack of consent, misappropriation, and malfeasance. I have drafted lawful documents that will invalidate the debt for each American that files them with their county clerk and recorder. I provide these documents at no cost, including written instructions and explanation how they function.

The way that they stole all property from the people is that they converted our birth name into an all-capital letter artificial legal 'PERSON", which substitutes for the human being in every respect. All documentation that you possess is for the all-capital letter 'PERSON'; it does not mean you.

Every form of 'identification' or documentation you have it will show your name in all-capital letters; from birth certificate, driver's license, passport, social security card, bank account, credit cards, insurance records, high school records, even the medical records are in the name of the PERSON.

You, the human agent, do not own anything; everything is in the name of the PERSON; the same as if all your property was in the name of another corporation. You are just an agent for the PERSON, (not sole agent) and may have use and possession of the property in the name of the PERSON.

In accordance with copyright and trademark law, the (state) creator of the PERSON owns the exclusive rights and benefits associated with that intellectual property.

By changing the name of people into ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS, the state can claim all rights to the profits from the use of that trademark name; everything with that all-capital letter name belongs to the 'state', which really means international banking interests. Also, the reason the 'state' change the name of people into an ALL-CAPITAL LETTER PERSON is that they cannot directly own people.

Your all-capital letter name is an asset of the public trust. You cannot legally tamper with assets of a bankruptcy trust, under threat of criminal penalties. However, you can challenge their claim to property of the 'public trust'; that is exactly what my 'lawful process' does.
People have inalienable and Constitutional rights, but a PERSON is a legal entity entitled only to such rights assigned by contract, and there are no agency contracts between human beings and their all-capital letter PERSON. Also, agents have no authority other than by contract, and human being agents have no contract with the 'state'. This is why the 'state' can take your land, home and children; because they own them.

Another reason they can claim all your property is that you are legally presumed deceased. Under commercial law, when someone has not conducted any business activity for seven years, they are presumed 'legally dead'. All business activity is conducted under the name of the ALL-CAPITAL LETTER PERSON, not by people, so everyone is deemed 'legally dead, (intestate), and their property goes into the 'public trust' as abandoned property, unless and until they serve public notice that they are alive and are competent to conduct their business affairs.

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