ROOT CHAKRA the final one...

The root chakra, "Muladhara", is the first chakra and is located at the base of the spine. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muladhara, a compound term formed out of the words "root" and "support". It is the root of your being and establishes the deepest connections with your physical body, your environment and with the Earth.

The root chakra is literally the foundation of the chakra system, as such its health and proper functions are an absolute prerequisite for living a balanced and fulfilling life. It is known as the first chakra and is usually associated with the color red. As with the foundation of a building, this chakra anchors the higher chakras - and the human body - to the earth and the world around the individual.

Element: Earth
Physical location: Base of the spine
Organs associated: Vertebral column, Foot, Blood, Leg, Bone, Tooth, Skeleton
Yoga poses (strengthening the chakra): Shavasana, Tadasana, Virabhadrasana I
Colour associated: Red
Mantra associated: LAM
Essential oils: Rosewood, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Black pepper, Cedar, Cloves, Ginger

The Muladhara chakra governs a person's relationship with both the basic physical necessities of life, such as food, water, and shelter and also the fundamental psychological factors required for mental health, like trust, acceptance, and comfort. Loving your feet and taking the time to pamper your physical body are great ways to also care for your root chakra energy.

Try this Mantra for the Root Chakra: I am safe and secure in my own energy. I am strong and can support myself. I acknowledge my fears and anger and thank them for the information. I now release them into the Universe, their job done.

Thank you for taking the time to read a bit more about Chakras. Balancing your Chakras is vital to living a harmonious life in this ever-changing crazy world we are in these days. By taking just a bit of time with each chakra, each day, since there are 7 chakras and 7 days, helps to keep me grounded. It will help you too!

Here is a chart that should also help with learning to balance your chakras.

Thanks for stopping by! Please view my blog to read more about our 7 chakras.

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