In Under 3 Minutes, See the 6 Critical Stories the Media Failed to Report While Bashing Kaepernick

in #media8 years ago (edited)

 We have become a nation obsessed by often-hollow symbology, and as this week’s frothy contention over San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s protest refusal to stand for the national anthem, that obsession by corporate media and the public comes at the expense of confronting real issues for the purposes of reform.

In fact, the decision to sit out the Star Spangled Banner has a pointed nuance even Kaepernick and his supporters might not realize — Francis Scott Key’s song, penned during the war of 1812, glorifies slavery and oppression. Its rarely-sung third verse, as noted by the Intercept, states:

“No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave,
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Kaepernick has been ignorantly and aggressively lambasted beyond reason by the media this week — largely in ways that prove racism still thrives in this country over 200 years after the writing of the slavery-cheering national anthem — as hollow patriotism and nationalism suddenly seemed to become legitimate ideologies to live by.

While it seemed the entire country stumbled over each other to see who could chastise Kaepernick most acridly — while also ignoring or deriding the subject of his protest, police brutality and systemic racism — a number of additional equally worthy topics of protest hit headlines this week. 

Below are those stories.


somehow i didn't miss any of those stories except the one about the sportsball player. after a short review i think the only racist was Kaepernick. he was brought into the lap of luxury by a white family and now all he can do is blame people because of the color of their skin. pathetic. i wish i'd never learned about that.

The fact that Kaepernick is successful, wealthy and adopted by a white family has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the usa national anthem was written by a racist to praise slavery and that there is still racism today against non-white people. There are several reasons for an american of any color to not stand for the national anthem. It is not pathetic, it is our right to protest and disagree with our government. It takes a lot of courage for Kaepernick to do what he is doing. He has lost endorsements and faced ridicule and threats, for something he believes in. That being said, I agree with this post, there are a lot more serious and troubling news out there right now. Good video!

thanks for that comment nathanjtaylor... agreed :)

Kaepernick is successful because he can put a ball into a hoop. he is sadly misinformed if he thinks what he is doing matters, on any level, except to promote division and allow the controllers to keep winning. it is our right to protest and disagree with our government but, i choose to do it in ways that matter, not in ways that increase racism, which is being demonstrated to exist against caucasians as well and distract from things in this world that have some importance. one of those things would be the power structure that is using "us against them" dynamics of team sports to divide us, or didn't you notice? maybe focus on things that matter to all humans, rather than spending time accentuating the things that divide us.

I agree we must be united regardless of racial identity. The militarization of police, police brutality, tyrannical laws, and the corporate prison system in America is a human rights problem that all people should be concerned with, and can be affected by it. There are only two sides, freedom and tyranny. Kaepernick may not be speaking out in the way you would like but I respect him for doing something he believes in and bringing awareness to a real challenge for all freedom loving human beings.

Anyone is in their own not to stand up to a flag or a song for their own reason.
Let the misunderstandings continue... lol

Distractions are the keystone to successful trickery.

life is depressing, man. fuck 2016, and most of the 21st century so far

Point on. I love it more and more people waking up!

Wow! Amazing isn't it. I have learned when mainstream media becomes obsessed with a story, that is the most critical time to check other news sources for what's really going on in the world.

I just found your channel. Followed. Always happy to see stories about truth and freedom on Steemit. I'm doing a series about Freedom, how we arrive at the concept of freedom, the implications of freedom in our daily lives, what we need to do move freedom forward, and what a future founded in the principles of freedom might look like. Check out Episode 1 here also check out @adamkokesh. Adam is running for "not-president" in 2020 on the platform of the peaceful dissolution of the federal government.

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