in #phaneroo7 years ago

25th November 2017
Apostle Grace Lubega

Galatians 5:1(KJV), Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.


There are Christians who are enslaved because they are convinced that they are free in what is not freedom.

Some attend overnights to be free; they run from deliverance service to deliverance service to be free.

However, it is deception to think that your freedom began when the disease left your body or when you got a job after years of seeking for one.

Your freedom was purchased by the Christ at Calvary: healing and physical deliverance are just the results of it.

It is false doctrine to teach that when a man becomes Born Again, he crosses over with generational curses.

The truth is that you began the life of salvation as a free person. You start from the place of standing fast in the liberty that Christ has availed to you.

When we pray for Born Again Christians, we do so in the understanding that we are manifesting that freedom that they already have in Christ.

God has called the Church to teach believers of the freedom they have in Christ, not the bondage they see in this world.

Attend service, prayer meetings and read the Word as one who is free. Hallelujah!

FURTHER STUDY: John 8:36, John 8:32

GOLDEN NUGGET: God has called the Church to teach believers of the freedom they have in Christ, not the bondage they see in this world.

PRAYER: Father, I thank you for the freedom that I have in you. I was born into a life of liberty. I walk, pray and serve as a free man. I received your Word of truth and walk after the demands of the law of free men. I am free to heal, free to demonstrate the Spirit, free to change any circumstance and free to serve in the kingdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Source: www.phaneroo.orgF56E2B39-D27C-47A3-BD61-4335AF59B0DF.jpeg


I received your Word of truth and walk after the demands of the law of free men.

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