Let's look at the facts

in #news7 years ago

 Mari kita lihat faktanya

1. There is no relation between the Minister of Finance signature and the money is not sold abroad. The US dollar was also signed by central bankers and the Finance Minister. From the beginning our money is not sold in all countries. Yes common aja. Ruppee Pakistan is also not sold in all countries. Most also can be exchanged in some money changer in some countries. I know in the market Ben Than Ho Chi Minh City, the rupiah sold. Many Malaysian merchants there.

2. There is a smart ass says that the money signed Menkeu not sold because it is not no collateral (guarantee). First, in this world of money in circulation there is no guarantee. All based on trust. Secondly, the collateral is only applicable to the Gold Standard regime, which is not embraced by the world. The Central Bank is below the state. So how is the state (represented by the Minister of Finance) not trusted?

3. Why did you suddenly sign the minister? Yes not suddenly anyway. Since August 17, 2014, the signature of Finance Minister has appeared (mmmm who is the president). Why the hell just a scene now? Kayak image 'paluarit' a new 

excited 2017. Whereas already long there.

4. Why did the Minister of Finance follow-up signatures? The Ministry of Finance is the fiscal authority, which is responsible for the circulation of money. Did one sign up?

Why is SBY era diem?

1. Tidak ada hubungannya antara tandatangan Menkeu dan duit tidak laku di luar negeri.
Dollar AS juga ditandatangani gubernur bank sentral dan Menteri Keuangan. Dari dulu memang uang kita tidak laku di semua negara. Ya lumrah aja. Ruppee Pakistan juga tidak laku di semua negara. Paling juga bisa ditukar di beberapa money changer di beberapa negara. Saya tahu di pasar Ben Than Ho Chi Minh City, rupiah laku. Banyak pedagang asal Malaysia di sana.

2. Ada yang sok pintar mengatakan bahwa uang yang ditandatangani Menkeu gak laku karena dianggap gak ada kolateral (jaminan). Pertama, di dunia ini uang yang beredar tidak ada jaminannya. Semua berdasar kepercayaan. Kedua, kolateral itu hanya berlaku pada rezim Standar Emas, yang sudah tidak dianut dunia. Bank Sentral itu di bawah negara. Jadi gimana negara (diwakili Menkeu) tidak dipercaya?

3. Kenapa tiba-tiba nongol tandatangan Menkeu? Ya gak tiba-tiba sih. Sejak 17 Agustus 2014 tandatangan Menkeu udah muncul (mmmm siapa ya presidennya). Lho kok baru heboh sekarang? Kayak gambar 'paluarit' yang baru heboh 2017. Padahal udah lama ada.

4. Kenapa pula Menkeu ikutan tandatangan? Kementrian Keuangan itu otoritas fiskal, yang ikut bertanggung jawab terhadap peredaran uang. Apa salah ikut tandatangan?Kok jaman SBY diem? 


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