UFC Fighter Nick Catone questions vaccines in response to son's death

in #news7 years ago (edited)


UFC fighter, Nick Catone, is sounding off on Facebook regarding the “mysterious” and “natural” death of his son. Catone, who says his son would commonly get sick following vaccines, claims to have always held a “feeling” that the Dtap vaccine was responsible for his son’s death. His wife and mother of their late child, is a cardiac nurse of 11 years, also felt uneasy with the passing.

“The more I think about the final results of my sons autopsy report the more pissed off I get. No parent wants to think about it and go through it but we had to for my 3 year old daughter. Then to find out there was no answer “no medical reason” after going through with that is heart wrenching. Your telling me with all the technology today they can’t find out why my son unexpectedly passed away. They can find out how people died 3,000 years ago but they can’t find out how a little boy did today. Made all his well visits, was growing, had a bigger appetite then my 3 year old daughter did, perfectly healthy 20 month old boy. Healthy heart, lungs, brain, everything about him came back healthy and normal. How does he just pass away. Cause of Death – “Sudden Unexplained Death” , Manner of Death- “Natural” it says on the report. How the f… is that natural. My wife knew right away what it was and that we wouldn’t find any answers. There is nothing like a mothers Instinct. She’s not your normal mom, she’s also a cardiac nurse of 11 years and certified health coach. "

I'm personally not an "anti -vaccer" but the vaccinations aren't necessary the way they're administered. They need to be administered one at a time and after the child has passed infancy. If the child is breastfed, the child will gain all of the same immunity the mother had to defend against diseases. The human body biome is amazing like that. Humans already have all they need to survive, naturally.

Unfortunately, we trust doctors who "practice" on us, and when practicing goes wrong, like with experimental drugs, surgeries, or vaccinations in this case, they're not held liable.

My suggestion is to get the bare minimum vaccinations if you don't want to worry about waivers, and get them spread out over a span of time, not all at once.


There is a huge revolt among Italians right now over this issue. The government is trying to force children to have over 50 vaccinations or have their children taken away. This is over-reaching and totally not in the interest of anyone's health. How are "government" officials authorized to say what an individual child may or may not need -- and not include the parents? All this is to compensate BIG companies in a pass-through manner. Passing all of these rulings without citizen input just so they can continue to keep the massive amounts of money donated to their political endeavors from these companies.

It's natural to want to find something to blame when such a tragic loss happens. There's just no real evidence that this kind of thing happens. Lots of research has said that it doesn't, but people who believe vaccines are evil simply always dismiss it as paid off by the companies making vaccines. Now if they could provide proof that would be a different story.

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