Philosophical stories of ancients - 4

in #philosophy6 years ago

A publication by Sri Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa

Once an old man was going by train on a pilgrimage to Brindavan(a holy place in India) At night, while he was asleep, his purse fell on the floor. A co-passenger found the bag and enquired about it. The old man said it was his. A picture of Sri Krishna( God in Hinduism) inside the purse was proof.

The old man then began to relate the story of the purse. He soon had a group of eager listeners around him. Lifting up the purse for all to see, the old man said: It has a long history behind it. My father gave it to me years ago when I was a child of ten years old. I kept my little pocket money in it and also a photograph of my parents.

Years passed. I grew up and studied at university. Like every young man, I became conscious of my appearance. I replaced my parents’ photograph with that of my own. I had become my own admirer.

Then marriage. Self-admiration gave way to the consciousness of a family and I replaced it with that of my wife’s. During the day I would open the wallet many times and look at the picture. All tiredness would vanish at that moment.

Then my first child came to earth. I would eagerly rush home after work to play with my little baby. As usual, my wife’s picture had already made way for the child’s.

The old man took a breath. With solemn eyes, he looked around and said in a sad voice: Friends, my parents passed away long ago. My wife too died five years ago. My son is now married. He is too busy with his career and his family. I now stand on the brink of death. I do not know what awaits me in future. Everything I loved, everything I considered my own, has left me.

A picture of Lord Krishna now occupies the place in my money bag. I know He will never leave me. I wish now that I had kept HIS picture with me right from the beginning! He alone is true; all others are just passing shadows.

Sri Sarada Devi, the holy mother( A saint of 19th century), says: Don’t be afraid my child, these earthly ties are transitory. Today they seem to be the be-all and end-all of life, and tomorrow they vanish. Your real tie is with God. God is one’s very own. It is the eternal relationship. He is ever looking after you. Call on the Lord who pervades the entire universe. He will shower His blessings upon you.

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Narrative tale full of learning

Many tales of wisdom like that pass on to us in India in our childhood...

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