Cousin Silas & Kevin Lyons - Beyond the Infinite

in #music7 years ago

"I believe in the power of music to inspire and to heal.

That's a bit of a cheesy thing to say, I know, but I believe it to be true.

When I set out on the weareallghosts journey, it wasn't to make money or to strike it big. No, it was to give something back to the DIY music community that has nourished me over the years ... to bring some happiness into an unhappy world ... to light the proverbial candle to shine out in the darkness. I think I have achieved that.

So today, regardless of all the voices that say I am just not good enough ... regardless of all the closed doors ... regardless of what others think ... I can lift my head up and say: I made this happen! I took an idea and brought it into being ... and I did it with the help and support of people I am proud to call my friends.

I couldn't have started weareallghosts without the support of Cousin Silas and I wouldn't have kept going for over 5 years if it wasn't for the encouragement of Kevin Lyons. I am proud, so very proud, to call them dear friends and look forward to our annual meet-ups in deepest, darkest Yorkshire.

It is, then, with the greatest of pleasure to offer out a further instalment in their ongoing partnership: "Beyond the Infinite (waag_rel107)" is their sixth release as a duo and by far one of their best. Their atmospheric ambient music is the perfect accompaniment to the best in science or weird fiction, pairing effortlessly with the likes of H.P. Lovecraft. Delicate, open, and unsettling; their music makes the Cyclopean architecture of such stories as "In the Mountains of Madness" come alive for me, especially the illustrated version by I. N. J. Culbard, which I read while having my first listen to the submission.

Yes, there are beats. "Lost Horizons" is a prime example of Silas and Lyons' measured approach to percussion ... but this is, to me, more about the atmospherics. "Grey Steel Skies" and the title track, "Beyond the Infinite", are truly exemplary of music that is so much more than music, it is feeling ... an eerie, unsettling, weird feeling that I just soak up like a sponge. If that's your kind of thing then this is your kind of thing!

As before, my thanks goes to Cousin Silas ... Warren Daly … Kevin Lyons ... Adrian Nicholls ... Drew Miller ... and the wonderful waag community ... for their generous support.
A 320kbps version of this release will be available, for free, over on Archive ( with a lossless version available here on Bandcamp for ‘pay what you want’.

I really hope you enjoy the latest release from Cousin Silas and Kevin Lyons as much as I have.

  • Thomas

PS: grateful thanks to Andreas Schwietzke for the use of another of his illustrations, it is so fitting and perfectly in tune with the music. "

released November 18, 2017

Music by Cousin Silas and Kevin Lyons
Artwork by Andreas Schwietzke, used with permission
Design and Logistics by Thomas Mathie for


  1. Entropic Distillation Engine 06:19
  2. Lost Horizons 05:05
  3. Beyond The Infinite 06:34
  4. Grey Steel Skies 05:51
  5. The Stone Forest 06:32
  6. Passport To Eternity 06:13
  7. The Static Fountains On Phobos 06:54
  8. After Hours 07:25
  9. Gliding Across The Silver Lakes Of Venus 05:45
  10. The Garden Of Time 06:11
  11. Song Of The Shapes 08:15
  12. Isolation Tank Blues 06:14

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Great ambient sounds indeed, very eerie and atmospheric. You are right, it is a perfect pair for HPL and dark science fiction, like most of Philip Dick's settings. In fact, I have just received a pack from Amazon with three Culbard comics (King in Yellow, Dexter Ward, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath) and I plan to use that music as the "soundtrack" when I 'll read them! Thanks!

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