planet x nibiru is sumerian for 12th Planet

in #life6 years ago

From ancient Sumerian texts, there was a description that our creators came from a yet discovered planet that enters our Solar System ever 3,600 years.

The texts said that they were known as the Nephilim, and that they had colonized Earth over 400,000 years ago. The bible also mentions this race, and calls them the “sons of God..

The planet of Nibiru was suffering as it’s atmosphere was eroding, they came to Earth in order to mine minerals (gold) to help repair their atmosphere...
This was done in the middle East and is why we find the Great Pyramid and adjacent pyramids in alone with constellations in our Solar System. They created portals on Earth (highly magnetic areas) to send their minerals back to Nibiru.

Our race was created around 300,000 years ago as a hybrid race with native Earth animals and the Nephilim to create a race of “workers” to help mine the minerals from our planet.

The alien leaders did not like this interbreeding and chose not to warn humankind about the impending doom on Nibiru in 13000 BC that would eventually cause the great flood here on Earth.

However,, one of the Annunaki takes it upon himself to inform Noah of the impending doom so that he can help avoid the races extinction. From there, the Annunaki promise to return in time but leave human'sNibiru.jpg alone to rule the planet...

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