Emmanuel Macron, Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Desecration of the Temple of God with the Abomination of Desolation: What is the Link?

in #illuminati7 years ago


  • Note: I have not concluded that Macron is 100% definitely the Anti-Christ. Of course, with his statement: ‘he wants to rule like the Roman god Jupiter’, he has made himself the ‘top’ candidate for the Man of Sin to many bible scholars. Below I connect some dots.
  • Emmanuel (“god” with us) Macron has publicly said he wished to rule like the Roman god: Jupiter. Jupiter is the Roman name for the Greek god Zeus. Ie. Jupiter and Zeus are one and the same. In the occult world: Jupiter/Zeus the “father god of gods” is just another name for Satan. By “gods” they mean the fallen angels.
  • Antiochus IV Epiphanes, was the Syrian king who desecrated the temple of God by sacrificing a pig on the altar and set up a statue of Zeus (Jupiter) in the temple and made the Jews worship it. The Abomination of Desolation. All in fulfillment of the book of Daniel. Emphasis mine:

    Antiochus IV Epiphanes
    by http://www.bible-history.com/
    Antiochus IV (175-164 BC), was the 8th ruler of the Seleucid empire. He gave himself the surname “Epiphanes” which means “the visible god” (that he and Jupiter were identical). He acted as though he really were Jupiter and the people called him “Epimanes” meaning “the madman”. He was violently bitter against the Jews, and was determined to exterminate them and their religion. He devastated Jerusalem in 168 BC, defiled the Temple, offered a pig on its altar, erected an altar to Jupiter, prohibited Temple worship, forbade circumcision on pain of death, sold thousands of Jewish families into slavery, destroyed all copies of Scripture that could be found, and slaughtered everyone discovered in possession of such copies, and resorted to every conceivable torture to force Jews to renounce their religion. This led to the Maccabaean revolt, one of the most heroic feats in history. 

    The Temple treasury did not contain enough money to pay Antiochus what he had promised so he sold some of the holy vessels of the Temple to raise the money he needed. It was now the goal that Judaism was to be destroyed. In the mind of Antiochus to be un-hellenized was stiff-necked nonsense. If Judaism stood in the way then Judaism was to be destroyed so he gave the orders.

    The Syrian army marched into Jerusalem and many of the people were killed and others escaped to the hills. Only the known Hellenists were allowed to remain. Orders were given: NO Sabbath, NO Holy Days, and NO Circumcision. A Statue of Zeus/Antiochus was placed in the Temple above the altar. The most detestable animals (the pig) were brought and sacrificed on the altar. An abominable act was perpetrated on Kislev 25, 168 BC according to the Book of Maccabees that “left the Jewish people desolate.” (They call this the Abomination of Desolation in Daniel) but Jesus taught that this was a preliminary occurrence of a greater fulfillment coming in the last days, during the seventieth week of Daniel.
  • The History of Antiochus IV
    by http://danielrevelationbiblestudies.com/
    … Antiochus loved the decadent and sensual ways of the Greeks. When the king arrived in Jerusalem, he showed contempt for the conservative Jews by erecting a statue of the Greek god, Zeus, on the Altar of Burnt Offering on Chislev 15, 167 B.C. Ten days later, on Chislev 25, Antiochus ended daily services (including the daily sacrifices) at the temple when he offered a pig (or some unclean animal) on the Altar of Burnt Offering. This abominable act led to a series of wars between Antiochus forces and conservative Jews. This series of wars became known as the Maccabean revolt because a conservative priest, Judas Maccabeus, led the Jews against the forces of Antiochus IV.
  • What Is the ‘Abomination of Desolation’ (Matthew 24:15)?
    by http://www.cgg.org/
    Daniel’s original prophecy (Daniel 12:11; 9:27) has more than one fulfillment, as is often the case. The first took place in 168 BC, on the 25th day of the month Kislev (November-December in the Roman calendar). With the help of his army, Syrian king Antiochus Epiphanes erected an altar to the Greek god Zeus on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and offered swine upon it. This intensified the Jewish resistance, leading to the Maccabean revolt. Once the Jews retook Jerusalem, they cleansed and rededicated the Temple in 165 BC, an act commemorated in the Jewish Hanukah celebration.

    However, another fulfillment awaits. A short time before Christ returns, armies will once again surround Jerusalem and an “abomination” will be done in the city. As Matthew 24:21 says, this act inaugurates the time of Great Tribulation. At that time, the saints in Jerusalem are told to flee to the mountains for safety (Matthew. 24:16; Luke 21:20-21). What form this end-time abomination will take is not specifically mentioned, but it will likely be some action taken by the invading army Jesus mentions, possibly a blasphemous rite perfomed or an idol erected in the Temple precincts, as in the former desolations. (In the Old Testament, “abomination” is often synonymous with “idol.”)
    by Louis Ginzberghttp://jewishencyclopedia.com/
    … The context of these passages leaves no room for doubt as to what was intended by this somewhat odd expression; namely, the transformation, by Antiochus Epiphanes, of the sacred Temple at Jerusalem into a heathen one. In both Biblical and rabbinical Hebrew abomination is a familiar term for an idol (I Kings, xi. 5; II Kings, xxiii. 13; Sifra, Ḳedoshim, beginning, and Mekilta, Mishpatim, xx. ed. Weiss, 107), and therefore may well have the same application in Daniel, which should accordingly be rendered, in agreement with Ezra, ix. 3, 4, “motionless abomination” or, also, “appalling abomination.” The suggestion of many scholars-Hoffmann, Nestle, Bevan, and others—that , as a designation for Jupiter is simply an intentional perversion of his usual appellation “Baal Shamem” (, “lord of heaven”) is quite plausible, as is attested by the perversion of “Beelzebub” into “Βεελζεβούλ” (Greek version) in Mark, iii. 22, as well as the express injunction found in Tosef., ‘Ab. Zarah, vi. (vii) and Babli ‘Ab. Zarah, 46a, that the names of idols may be pronounced only in a distorted or abbreviated form (see the examples quoted there). …. The rabbis as a whole consider that the expression  refers to the desecration of the Temple by the erection of a Zeus statue in its sacred precincts by Antiochus Epiphanes (see Apostemos).



The Antichrist will claim to be God the Savior of Mankind and will deceive many people. Macron only claims he will rule like a Pagan era Roman God and doesn't even claim that he is the Roman God Jupiter. But there are many things and man made tribulations which must occur first that have not happened yet.

Check out this pastor who has a great handle on the timing of the Apocalypse.

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