Discerning the Sound of the Trumpet(Shofar) for Our Generation - Part 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #christian-trail6 years ago


I do not claim to have all the answers, but I do know one thing. I know that in the Lord’s present visitation, He is visiting His people as a Jew. He is no longer walking among us wearing a Gentile disguise and bearing a Gentilized name. He is not a White, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant Republican named Reverend Jesus Christ. He is Rabbi Yeshua of Nazareth, a Galilean Jew with no political interests except His Father’s Kingdom.

This present visitation which many of us are experiencing is commonly referred to as the Messianic Movement. And what is the purpose of this visitation? To conform us more into His image and likeness by teaching us to live and worship as He did. He did not go to church on Sundays, celebrate Christmas, and attend church-sponsored hog roasts. He honored the Sabbath and holy days and ate clean meats. These neglected elements of Torah are by no means the sum total of what it means to be His disciples. However, these things are an important and necessary part of being His disciple, because being His disciple means following His example and following His teachings. He certainly did these things, and He taught His disciples to do them as well. (See Matt. 5:17-19 & 23:1-3, e.g.)

The signs of this visitation are obvious for all to see. Our generation, and our generation alone, has witnessed some amazing historical events which are tied to this visitation: the rebirth of the nation of Israel in 1948; the re-taking of the Old City of Jerusalem in 1967; the re-emergence and growth of the Messianic Jewish movement in the past three decades. No other generation of believers since the First Century has been privileged to witness these things.

As these important historical events continue to develop and unfold, a remnant of the Church is awakening to the significance of the Jewishness of Yeshua. Those who have ears to hear know that the sound of God’s shofar is calling His people to abandon pagan-inspired religious traditions and to return to a Torah-honoring lifestyle in the Messiah. This is why so many non-Jewish disciples are beginning to keep the 7th-day Sabbath and celebrate the annual Feasts of YHWH.

To be continued....

Part 1

Article from:
GOE Volume 6


And what is the purpose of this visitation? To conform us more into His image and likeness by teaching us to live and worship as He did.

May we continue conforming to His image and not to the pattern of the world.

Yes Brother..Amen to that!

howdy sir simms50! yes sir the purpose is to conform more to His image in this corrupt Babylonian system! ha! that makes us even more alien.

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