
in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Natural forces within us are the true healers of a disease...

Study shows that control of type 2 diabetes improves with dental hygiene
A clinical study conducted by researchers of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of the UB shows that control of type 2 diabetes improves notably when the patient takes a special care of the dental hygiene. The study has been published in The Journal of Clinical Periodontology.

It is known that type 2 diabetes, the most common type of this disease, often goes with periodontal pathologies. "In this new study, we saw that there is not only a relation between them going from diabetes to periodontal diseases, but the other way round, from the periodontal disease to diabetes", researchers say.

The study has been carried out with ninety patients with type 2 diabetes who received oral treatment for six months. During this period, they underwent a control of glycated hemoglobin, as well as on the evolution of oral bacteria populations that cause periodontitis, apart from a control on other clinical parameters.

The main conclusion of the study is that the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis improves the glycaemic status and levels of glycated haemoglobin, and therefore proves the great importance of oral health in these patients.

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Maybe toothpaste shouldn't have sugar in it.

Haha... If there aint any sweetner then u r goin to do brushn once a week instead of twice a day :p

I'll have you know i brush at least once per day with hydrogen peroxide :)

Haven't had a cavity since.

haha... i guess sooner u wont be left with no teeeth... peroxide who does that man

Smokers and those that drink gallons of coffee! :)

so that doesnt mean u shud do those things... i mean just avoid the trouble that can create a bigger 1 brother

Immunity and temperature

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