When the Wind Speaks- Photography, Poetry, and Philosophy, to Uplift the Soul (Full Book Release) Steemit Exclusive

in #adventure8 years ago

When the Wind Speaks

Uplifting the Spirit With Photography and Poetry

By Scott Mackenzie-Low

As the wind brushes past the trees, she speaks, serenading those who seek her intuition.

Will you listen?

Blessed are those who know, that Life is Beautiful.

May this short book serve as a poetic reminder of the sweet and simple truths that already dwell inside of you.
May its pages bring you a new perspective, and ignite your curiosity, fuel your ambition, nourish your loving heart, and inspire you- for these are the words and songs which have inspired me.

These are the insights which have come to me, while I would simply sit, breath, and be, and listen to the wind sing. Throughout many different lands, echoed by many different people, I hear her song in everyone. Yet, this is the song she sang to me.

You are made of the same perfection that brings life to the universe.

Imagine your mind is a garden of thought
And what you think is what you grow.
You can feed the weeds, or nourish good seeds.
Just remember, what has roots is what will grow.

A botanical mind; a life that's divine- They don't simply form on their own. But occur when the state of mind is refined,
And people take the time,
To pay attention to what they let grow.

There will be blue sky blessings,
And rainy day lessons,
We should embrace them all the same.

So don’t avoid the trouble,
Go and play in that puddle,
For opportunity comes just like the rain.

Remember, even the Lessons are Blessings.

It’s not the weather that makes a day beautiful…
It’s the way you see it.

I am in love with the sky,
I'm connected to the Constellations.
And I'm inspired by the Oak,
With its Strong, Humble Foundation.
I would love to flow like the river,
And I’d love to shine like the sun.
So help me let go, of what does not serve me.
And help me do what must be done.
For when we thrive, we will find Freedom,
We will find that a pure heart cures suffering.
We will refine and reform, until all that’s left to do is sing.
For life is a song.
So play on Musician,
Play on.

Gratitude fuels my Passion,
And my soul feels satisfaction.
Genuine in my actions,
Guide me in the right direction.
For love is a blue sky,
And I wish to walk in the light

"Love is nourishment for the soul. Just as food is to the body, so love is to the soul. Without food the body is weak, without love the soul is weak." -Osho

So let's feel empowered!

Love is not something outside of ourselves; it is within us all, and can only be felt as we express it.
So be bold. Share your love.

Don’t forget to smile!
For it’s the simple pleasures,
Which, when remembered,
That brings the greatest joy!

Finding Peace doesn't require a long journey.

For it’s not your worn down shoes that will bring you closer to serenity, but your uplifted heart.

Hydration, nutrition, and breath-
Couple these with Love, and I will give you all the strength you need.

Gratitude is the Great Spiritual Catalyst for all things good.

Deeply feel this emotion, and life will break free into a vibrant display of beauty.

Trust in its infinite supply, and you will not be denied its nourishment.

Always look for the best in people.
For what you seek,
you shall find.

My roots only stretch out so far,yet they are connected to the entire Earth.

This is my humility and physical limit, exploring my Divine Infinite Potential.

Yesterday is an echo;
The dream is traced as I awake.
There is Bliss mixed in the fresh air,
And I’m Grateful for every breath I take.
Inhale. Exhale. Smile a little more.
Briefly I let my mind wander-
What does today have in store?

The more we expand our consciousness,the more we can grasp the cosmic beauty entwined in all of life.

We are merely dabbling in the infinite.

Physical health remedies pain, spiritual health remedies suffering, and a fully healthy mind,never stops wondering.

Get Curious!

Wisdom is the guidance system, navigating what we know. Experience revealed the map, and curiosity made us roam.

Living a lucid lifestyle,
I stroll around my waking dream.
Here, my imagination walks with reality, and with the breeze we sing.

When you compliment Logic with Creativity, you welcome Genius.

Have we forgotten about cognitive bliss?
I wonder if the masses even know what it is.
A moment of clarity where the light switch flips;
That ah ha moment, and joy that goes with it!

Ecstatic epiphanies,
Increased neural cognition,
An increased scope,
And a wider vision
Increased comprehension,
And new dimensions,
All await you,
If you’ll study, read,
And listen.

Applied concentration brings about brilliance.
Focused Energy is power.

"You have seen My Glory,
and witnessed My Magnificence!
Therefore My child, I must ask-
Would you like to Co-create
This existence?

"You have let Me into your heart- now let Me guide your hand.

For together, We can manifest wonders!"

Great Spirit pulled me aside.
"You see that waterfall, my beloved? Let her teach you how to love.
In a single moment, this eternal moment, she both gives and receives My love.
In abundance she is filled, she is, and she pours forth the Almighty Glory of Life!
The Source of All Beauty and Life, my Loving Water, gives her form, and through her, I take form.
We are inseparable- for you cannot fully love her without loving me, and you cannot fully love me, without loving her. We are Love, and so are you."

Meditate with these flowing waters, and find yourself in a perpetual state of giving, receiving, and being love.

“I love you my child
Now go be, that which truly you are."

Pursue Truth, as you would your Greatest Joy;
For it is one in the same.

Love is my religion, Love is my Law, and if Love is not within it, I don’t want it at all.

Peace is what I practice, as I walk along my path, and of all the gifts of the Kingdom, it’s for Wisdom in which I ask.

So give me guidance, and I will listen,
I’ll meditate and increase in intuition.
Help me focus, on my vision:
‘I want to learn how to love’
That’s my mission.

Let Compassion,
Guide my Actions,
And let Love radiate in all directions!
Learning to love,
Is my favorite lesson,
Yes, learning to love is such a blessing!

Experience your potential!
For your budding ambition is magnificent!

Learn how to love.
For everything else is a distraction.

You say, "This is good and this is bad", but in all your judgments can you truly condemn that which another does, while partaking in unconditional love?
Such cannot be so, for love does not condemn, but uplifts.

The darkness gives form to the light, for a candle does not glimmer in the sun.

Embrace the darkness, for it will reveal your light!"

I am a happy, healthy, and prosperous being, committed to tapping into my full potential.
My aim in life is to fully utilize and cultivate all of my strengths, talents, and skills, and to put to use all the gifts and ideas which have been given to me, in order to improve my life, and the life of those around me.
I am loved, and can love, without fear.

My mission is simple, sincere, and will take everything I’ve got-
I want to become my greatest version,
And help out as many people as possible.

Ambition will get you started, determination will keep you going, but in the end, it all about Gratitude.

Practice Patience, and peace will never leave you.
Delight in Diligence, and Abundance will Amplify your existence.

There’s a certain magic in manifesting a dream-
An internal tickle; an electrifying passion.
It’s a feeling I cannot live without.
Seeking satisfaction, I found action.
And as I began to change my mindset, and articulate my goals,
I discovered my unique potential.
There's so much power that I hold!
I was living with the lights off, until I tapped into abundant energy.
Now in the Light, I appreciate the beauty,
Which in the dark- I could not see.

They say Freedom isn't Free, so let me earn my wings,
With Purpose, Self-Control, and Psychological Mastery.
Yes, it took a little time, to emancipate my mind,
I had to break free from my folly, and surrender to the Divine.
I had to drop the extra weight,
For negativity held me down.
I replaced it with Faith,
Now I’m lifting off the ground.

The day I let go of my worry,
Was the day I was set free.

Let Love overcome your fears.

Freedom is having everything you need,
And allowing your heart to lead.

The lazy and the weak are one in the same, yet motivation will strengthen the man, and power will be added to him.
Therefore seek to fuel your inner fire.
Look in books, in lectures,
In extraordinary displays of
Human potential; look within
Nature and within yourself.
Find that spark, that
Soul purpose- then ignite your
Life into a grand illumination of glory!
Surely you will brighten the world and warm the hearts of those you interact with.

While a fool struggles in vein, a wise man exercises his potential, and grows ever stronger.
Yes, every day is grander than the last, when we move past yesterday's difficulties and hold steadfast, to today's new strength.
For life is invigorating and spectacular when embraced in full! Yet a fool will cling to his vices, and will curse the world.
Let you not look upon the world with such ignorance! Smile, as Christ would, as Buddha would, as any Enlightened Soul would.
For Heaven and Hell are right here on Earth. Drop your selfish burdens, and go find out what life is worth.

Never complain about the things you can change.
Be someone- do something!
It's time to stop being victims of a screwed up system!
Rise up tribe! Can't you see we're on a mission?
Contribute your talents, and show off you skill, wake up the masses, who wait around to be killed.

For there’s a silent war going on,
And many men are distracted,
So they take no action,
To save their fellow man, and their planet.
Therefore nothing happens.
We're better than that!

I’m a man on a mission
With ample ambition,
To practice precision,
To manifest my vision.

For I have a dream that the whole world’s healthy,
I’m calling out, will anybody help me?
The chosen people choose to be the change they want to see, so I’m going to change the world by improving my reality.
Because I want to be healthy, wealthy, and wise,
Successful and happy, and in love with my life.
For the best things in life, are the natural highs. You see, these dreams gave me wings, now you can watch me fly.

I have a dream that the whole world is Peaceful.
Help me remember that we're all created equal.
Kindness and Compassion will empower the people.
So let me cease to condemn, because I know that it's evil.
Yes! Only love will empower the people.
So let's empower the people,
because we're powerful people.
Yes, only love, only love, will empower the people.

I have a dream that the whole world's united,
And neither race nor religion can divide us.
We've recognized that the Divine lives inside ALL us.
There's a celebration going on, and we all are invited.

Yes, I have a dream that clean water is always protected,
And the all indigenous rights are respected.
In this dream, no child or elder is neglected,
We show love to all mankind,
And recognize that all life is connected.

From struggle to strength,
Refusing weakness I rise.
I will embrace the weight,
And watch all the doubt die.
Power, Strength, Self-control;
Keep moving forward-
Be fearless and bold.

A good deed is a double edged sword of effectiveness. Not only does it accomplish the desired task at hand, but it inspires others to do the same.
Be the change.

Its time to be unstoppable,
For all things are possible.
Emotionally empowered,
I feel phenomenal!
Now let's overcome these obstacles!

I will turn struggle into strength, as I increase in rank.
For I will do whatever it takes, to make the day great.
I will not withhold, but extend, the blessings I’ve been given.
Not just my family and friends, but to every single being.

Superman had it easy,
Spider man changed by chance.
Ill earn my powers slowly,
And in the woods, Ill dance.

Strength to take on a mountain,
Stamina for the long road,
The world made be filled with beauty, but there's nothing quite like home.

A wise man will not endure emptiness for long.
Acquiring a proper knowledge of Source,
He is satisfied and his soul is at ease.

You will find that the more easily you can accept what is, the less you will suffer.

So go- Be at peace. Know that where ever you are, in every situation, you are loved- and that is more than enough.

Lately, I have been observing,
There are things which no longer serve me.
Yet I love my folly- she is my bittersweet colleague.
Quick bliss she treats me well-then through the roof we fell.
So in my learning, this is what I have to tell-
A shortsighted fool loves what no longer serves him, for in that moment, it is sweet.
Yet wise is he who sacrifices what is hollow, for what is full. Surely he will find satisfaction!

Wise is the man who seeks for Truth,
Yet wiser is he who remembers it in times of confusion.

Therefore write it on your heart, weave it in your mind, and hold on to it, as if it was your true love.

You're as strong as your weakest thought.
If you've got problems, work through it.

In this battle field of the mind, I am a samurai.
With Faith to Shield me, and Truth to fend off lies,
I've found the strength to rise up, and guard my state of mind.
For the true enemy, is negativity, and how it makes us act;
Perpetuating misery, and focusing on lack.
I am not my weakest form!
I am the gold, within this ore of self!
My life is designed to refine my mind, and I'm going to need a little help.
For the burden gets heavy.
And the load takes its toll,
Things pile up sometime, and weigh down upon my soul.
But the soul is the highest self, and I, as a Samurai, will not surrender.
I stand watch at the gateway of my mind.
Only what is pure, noble, and true, shall enter.

-May those who need peace right now, find it.

The difference between falling and flying,
Is the effort we exert, to rise up, again, and again.

The power to pick yourself up, dust off your shoulders, and march forward with optimistic ambition, is a character trait found in all great heroes.
Be Heroic.

Mighty are those who stand firm, unmoved by the storm-
For when the sun shines,
How glorious are they!?

It was then that I realized that the grass wasn't necessarily greener on the other side; it was greener where I watered it.
So I kept reading, and writing; I kept eating natural food, and I kept being grateful. Then in lush fields, I lied down. I folded my hands behind my head, and smiled as I looked up at the passing clouds.

Life is Sweet! I hope you choose to taste the nectar.

Better than I’ve ever been, but not as I soon will be.
Attempting to comprehend the cosmos, and all the mysteries,
I’m still looking for the answer.
Yes, I’m searching for the key.
Yet as soon as I was ready to knock,
I found a door in front of me.

Through this gate is wisdom,
Through this gate is bliss-
but first unload your baggage, for that’s not the way we live.

Put away your selfishness, along with all your misery.
Replace then with thoughtfulness, and generosity.
For through the Gate of Good, is an enlightened society, which through wisdom, has ended, every form of suffering.

There is a fire burning in Babylon,
And many seek to touch the flame,
Yet all who do are wounded,
For the law deals with us all the same.
If you touch that fire,
Your hand will surely burn.
The same goes for your folly.
When will we ever learn?

Being human is fun;
Mistakes are so very natural.
There is perfection in the process, and the increase is always gradual.
Pursue your highest truth, and silence your inner critic.
Through and through, be true to you.
Practice it, until you get it.

Become a Master of your mind,
As well as a skill or trade;
Learn from those who love to learn,
And pay attention to what they say.

You will get it-
You have time.
And I so respect,
Your curious mind,
It's simply beautiful, and so divine!
You've got this-
You're doing fine!

This world keeps on revolving,
It is perfect, yet evolving.
And that now we are solving,our troubles with tools, and obtaining flight, by observing aerodynamic rules, there is no limit to what we can do.
See the old, gives way to the new.
Midst the dark of night,
The sun breaks through.
Developing faith, the song bird flew, and lies collapsed at the Feet of Truth.

Evolving into peace, war will seem so primal.
Our children will be in awe, when we say we needed it for survival.

Step into the future, and you will clearly see, there is no more separation, only perfect harmony.

What you do for a living, will eventually become your life’s work.
Are you doing what you love?

How can we expect to break free from the rat race, if we keep running around like animals?
Maybe the Ascended Masters figured it out, when they told us to rise above our animal impulses, and obtain a higher awareness of ourselves and our surroundings.

Obtaining the right perspective,
The solution is easily seen.
The only way to truly be prosperous, is to be virtuous.

For the wealth of a man is not in his wallet, but his heart.

To live,
To love,
To learn,
To leave a legacy-
This is my pursuit of happiness.
I am here, in every stride.

Happiness is a state of Mind.
Where do you reside?

Building communities with music;
Let our leaders grab their instruments.
For a tank can't demolish a tune, nd a bullet can't pierce a message.
Yet a lyric can infiltrate the mind, and give sight to the blind.
And as flowers hide in the night, a positive perspective is light.

We really do live in paradise.

We protect what we love.
If you know its worth, you’ll respect the Earth.

Today, I will be conscious-
I will be aware and present,
Actively engaged in realizing my dreams.
No longer on autopilot-
I have broken the chains of mediocrity,
And have loosened the choke hold of bad habits.

Embracing the power of thought, and tapping into my potential,
I have broken the mold, and shattered expectations.

Freedom and Autonomy are my birthright; Peace and Harmony are my purest form; Love is my Light.

I shall no longer walk in darkness.

Today, I will love.

All Steem generated from this post will go towards funding my next bike tour.

The Standing Rock Bike Tour is an educational adventure, where I will ride my bike from the Garden of The Gods in Manitou Springs, Colorado, to the Sioux Standing Rock Reservation in North Dakota.

All along the way, I will be discussing various topics including the History of Standing Rock, The Native American Prophecy, The Green New Deal, Pipelines, Indigenous Rights and Treaties, Strategies to Stop the Pipeline, and Prayer.

On top of that, I'll introduce Prayer Glasses, and explain how this glass etching project can support, both financially and spiritually, the Water Protectors at Standing Rock.

Every day I'll post a music video, featuring original songs off his new album.
I even have an idea to help pull communities out of poverty, using art.
Pictures and Videos will be uploaded daily, and a travel blog will bring this adventure straight to your desktop.

So Stay Tuned, and Tell your Friends!



I love love love your photographs but I hate hate hate your poetry but then again it isn't the worst I've read today.

Alright- Fair enough. Can't please everyone.
I'm not sure why you had to triple up on the hate- but that seems to be the norm nowadays.
I hope you find some poetry you like.

May your poetry be respected.

I tripled up on the love too. What does Sai Baba say about balance?

:) You know, I'm not too sure. Balance is good. I suppose I often lean more towards the light, knowing that others are leaning towards darkness. Do you think balance occurs both personally and globally? And can we therefor dedicate ourselves to the light, knowing and seeing the darkness the seems to surround us in our current society?

A very interesting question. I think it is impossible to truly dedicate oneself to the light without acknowledging ones darkness.
This is part of a comment I made on a different post:
"having civil disagreements is healthy, with the parties forming deeper relationships and trust. When everyone is in constant agreement, they aren't interacting at all and the result is a dead, "Stepford" environment."

Sai Baba, a guru from India, asks, "Is it Kind, Necessary, True, and Does It Improve Upon the Silence?"

I've just published my first story. ...I'm just arrived and I'm having a look, here and there...
I liked your post. Thanks.
Keep in touch!

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