Skin care can be done in these safe methods in pregnancy

in #health6 years ago

28,june2018, imageThere are many types of changes in the body during pregnancy. Obviously in such cases the skin is also affected. But every woman has the right to look beautiful and attractive even in this state. How to look after skin during this time, go through this article.During pregnancy the hormone changes in the body of the woman, causing a different color on the face of some. But usually the skin of women becomes very sensitive, due to which they have to face many skin related problems. Many problems arise like stretch marks, itching, acne, pigmentation, and laxation of the skin after delivery. How to care for skin in such a way

Stretch Marks

Stomach is stretched in the stomach skin with the development of the embryo, which breaks the elastic fibers found beneath the surface of the skin. This causes Stretch Marks to come. Experts believe that women who are heavily in pregnancy, this problem is high. Increasing weight of 11 to 12 kg during pregnancy is normal, but some women's weight increases to twenty kg. This causes the skin to stretch to $ g, which increases the chances of having strech marcus.The reason is also genetic, they are more susceptible to the women whose mother had been strech marks during their pregnancy. 8 out of 10 women have to face this problem. It depends on how soft the skin is and how it is. If more load increases in less time then stretch marks will be more. They tend to be more in the sixth or seventh month. Stretch marchers gradually become light after delivery, but are not completely disappeared.

There is no such way that Stretch Marks will be removed forever. These can be reduced by putting cream containing moisturizer or vitamin E, because it keeps moisture in the skin.Acne

During this time the problem of acne is most troubling. Many women also get rasa $ h. Due to excessive secretion of progesterone and estrogen, the production of the symbphism increases, resulting in the clogging of the skin. During this acne most often falls on the mouth and chin. Many women spread on the whole face. If they are not treated properly then they also stay after delivery. Many times these marks leave. Do not take any treatment at home only for a doctor's advice. Antibiotics should not be taken to treat them.itching

Muscle strain is caused due to stomach increase in pregnancy, which causes the itching problem. During this, there is also itching on the whole body. It would be better if calamine lotions or heavily-creamed mysticals are available. If more itching goes on, show the doctor. It may be due to any complications of pregnancy liver, which is called cholestatis. This can increase the risk of premature delivery.


It is the most serious problem of skin during pregnancy, also called 'pregnancy mask'. In this place, pigmentation becomes place-on-the-spot and rashes fall. High levels of contact with the sun's ultraviolet rays, genetic factors, elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone are the main reasons. Some women also have pigmentation on chest and thighs. Pigmentation decreases after delivery, but it does not end completely. It would be better to avoid as much sunlight as possible. Whenever SPF 30 sunscreen creams come out of the house do not miss the face.


-Use skin care products during pregnancy thinking carefully because some of the ingredients we apply are absorbed in the blood.

  • Do not use skin care products containing benzoyl peroxide, retinoid and salicylic acid, without the advice of the doctor.

Do not use gel containing traitine for Strach Marcus.

-Get enough sleep to keep the skin healthy and bright in pregnancy because pregnant women are tired quickly and its effect is visible on skin.

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