Is blockchain the future of social media?

in #blockchain7 years ago


Could we be moving into a new era of social media with blockchain?
Things change. What is popular today may not be popular tomorrow. There are new trends starting daily, many just fizzle out but the blockchain trend is one that is really starting to gain momentum and we are now starting to see a very interesting Twist with the arrival of social media blockchain sites and applications.

Is blockchain the future of social media?
So could Facebook become yesterday’s news or Twitter simply forgotten in a decentralized internet? Well, we are a very long way away from that but we could be at the very first stages of the evolution of social media. Savvy content creators are finally waking up to the idea that they have value and have influence. As Sue Fennessy of The8App points out we are all Nano Influencers. It is the Nano Influencers, the 99% who have made Facebook and Google what they are today, and built their 1 trillion dollar value. The Nano Influencers are the users of social media.

Users who take social media seriously and produce quality content are discovering that all their hard work is consumed by the platform itself, leaving them with little or no financial gain, a few million likes and a moment of fame as compensation. Renowned Artist Suzanne Heintz is one example of a social media influencer who closed her YouTube Channel in favor of The8App. Here Suzanne talks YouTube, The8App and the future of Social Media.
So how does blockchain change social media?
Traditional social sites are built and grown on Venture Capital. That is the way it is traditionally done. Blockchain, on the other hand, allows entrepreneurs an alternative route to fund and develop their sites and apps

We are seeing entrepreneurs issuing their own blockchain-based tokens to raise money for their networks, sidestepping the traditional, exclusive world of venture capital altogether.

New social sites are now being developed that are built on a blockchain-based token system that represents ownership in the network. For an investor, there are no shares in a company available, only the blockchain-based token. As the blockchain space expands, disproportionate returns will go to holders of the actual tokens.

Blockchain-based social sites are a very interesting idea because it is the users who own the sites. There is no better way to leverage members or followers than to have them invested in the site they are actually using. The big challenge with social media, is to create something new that people will like enough that then gains some traction and momentum and grows and just to keep it scaling upwards.

Blockchain socials have these requirements. The users purchase the coin or tokens or can simply earn them from their social activity.,and this keeps them motivated to keep engaging and telling their friends, the power of the nano influencer.

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