React to an advice? How do you do that?

in #read7 years ago

Here’s to you. You have set a goal for yourself. You know for sure that it is the only right thing to do. You’re ready to invest your entire energy on it.


But then someone comes and advices you that the direction in which you’re treading isn’t the right one. Some of you will think that the advisor is a maniac and he doesn’t know anything. So, I should do what I feel and believe, because that’s my instinct! While some of you would say that the advisor is knows much more than me and I should blindly mould my path according to his advice. Or some may stand confused wondering what to do!

Being very adamant on your point and calling it your instinct is madness, and so is accepting the advice without weighing the pros and cons. The first one because you are not only undermining the person, but also placing yourself above everything. In a nutshell, you may come across as arogant and over-confident. Maybe there’s a possibility that your own view isn’t correct and the view of the other person is. But what if the view of the other person is incorrect and you’re right, and you’re actually doing self-harm by accepting the advice? This is also in complete contrast to your individuality.

What to do?

The million dollar question is what to do in such a case?

Firstly, the reason why people actually give you advice is that you’re either yet to achieve your goal or you’ve tried but you’ve been unsuccessful. There are people who will be happy seeing you successful but there are also people who won’t. You have to rely on your instinct here, to infer that the advisor falls into which category. If he’s a genuine well-wisher, then only spend your mental energies on it, otherwise don’t even let the words ring in your ears. Shred ’em off! (Laughs😊)
Next you have to see what type of experience the advisor has. In other words in what context or pretext is the advice being rendered. What knowledge the person has about the field, etc. Again, in here no concrete logic can be applied because the person, while not having an expert advice or information on that particular field, may have some general view points which would actually do wonders when fitted in your situation. Or maybe, the person, say your father, is expressing his views as regards his life experience.
Yes, it has to be you and only you to weigh the pros and cons, foresighting the consequences. This requires extreme tact and skills.
Remember that you may take a risk, but be ready with your plan B if A doesn’t work out. Or if you are quite sure about plan A, then have enough patience because good things take time.
Let me know your thoughts in the comment section.

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