Engadget Trending News

in #v60jtu8ny5 years ago

Uber is testing rooftop ads on its ridesharing fleet

"Uber is getting into the advertising business. The company has reached a partnership with the ad-tech company Adomni to bring roof-top ads to its fleet, Adweek reports. Drivers in Atlanta, Dallas and Phoenix will soon be able to put ad displays on th..."


Pioneering NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson dies at 101

" The celebrated NASA mathematician Katherine Johnson, who you may know from the book or film Hidden Figures, passed away today at the age of 101. Johnson is perhaps best known for helping NASA prepare for the orbital mission of John Glenn, but that was far fro…"


Huawei's smart speaker will be available outside of China, but not the US

" Huawei is about to compete more aggressively in smart speakers... insofar as it can, anyway. The tech firm is planning to launch its Sound X speaker in Europe following a China-only release in the fall. It'll pack the same Devialet-powered 360-degree sound an…"


Huawei's smart speaker will be available outside of China, but not the US

" Huawei is about to compete more aggressively in smart speakers... insofar as it can, anyway. The tech firm is planning to launch its Sound X speaker in Europe following a China-only release in the fall. It'll pack the same Devialet-powered 360-degree sound an…"


華為更新旗下三款 MateBook X 筆電

" 除了 手機 和 平板 以外,華為在今天的線上發表會中也對旗下的三款 MateBook X 筆電進行了更新。首先是 MateBook X Pro,這款主打全面屏概念的產品依舊配備了螢幕佔比達到 91% 的 3K LTPS 觸控螢幕。與此同時其可選最高第十代 Intel Core i7-10510U 處理器、1TB 硬碟和 MX250 顯示卡,在歐洲的售價為 1,499 歐元至 1,999 歐元。 接著是 MateBook X D14 和 D15,這兩台筆電會提供 AMD R5 / R7 或 Intel Core i…"


华为更新旗下三款 MateBook X 笔电

"除了手机和平板以外,华为在今天的线上发布会中也对旗下的三款 MateBook X 笔记本进行了更新。首先是 MateBook X Pro,这款主打全面屏概念的产品依旧配备了屏幕占比达到 91% 的 3K LTPS 触控屏幕。与此同时其可选最高第十代英特尔 Core i7-10510U 处理器、1TB 硬盘和 MX250 显卡,在欧洲的售价为 1,499 欧元至 1,999 欧元。 接着是 MateBook X D14 和 D15,这两台笔记本会提供 AMD R5 / R7 或英特尔"


Microsoft confirms Xbox Series X will have a 12 teraflop GPU

" We already know the Xbox Series X is going to be significantly faster than Microsoft's current consoles, but in a blog post by Xbox head Phil Spencer, the company revealed a few more details about how big of a leap it's going to be. Most notably, Microsoft co…"


Microsoft confirms Xbox Series X will have a 12 teraflop GPU

" We already know the Xbox Series X is going to be significantly faster than Microsoft's current consoles, but in a blog post by Xbox head Phil Spencer, the company revealed a few more details about how big of a leap it's going to be. Most notably, Microsoft co…"


華為 P40 系列定檔 3 月 26 日在巴黎發表

" 在今天取代 MWC 活動的 線上發表會 最後,華為終端老大余承東正式宣佈,公司 2020 年上半年的旗艦新品 P40 系列,確定會於 3 月 26 日在法國巴黎亮相。關於這次的新品,最大的賣點不意外還是拍照。根據坊間之前流傳的 消息 ,系列中最強的 P40 Pro 很有可能會搭載包含有潛望式變焦方案的五攝組合。也正因為相機系統之複雜,裝置在外觀設計上似乎也會選擇類似 Galaxy S20 Ultra 的「麻將牌」風格。 除此之外,P40 系列亦有較大可能會採用開孔式的曲面螢幕。但其它方面有什麼改進,還有待官方或爆…"


华为 P40 系列定档 3 月 26 日在巴黎发布

" 在今天取代 MWC 活动的线上发布会最后,华为终端老大余承东正式宣布,公司 2020 年上半年的旗舰新品 P40 系列,确定会于 3 月 26 日在法国巴黎亮相。关于这次的新品,最大的卖点不意外还是拍照。根据坊间之前流传的消息,系列中最强的 P40 Pro 很有可能会搭载包含有潜望式变焦方案的五摄组合。也正因为相机系统之复杂,设备在外观设计上似乎也会选择类似 Galaxy S20 Ultra 的「麻将牌」风格。 除此之外,P40"



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