Today's Topic

in #steem7 years ago

Is today's generation of young people in crisis?


A view from a 77-year-old: 'Young people today have it tough, and I feel sorry for them'

Here’s a view from someone coming from an older generation, and they are sympathetic towards today’s so-called millennials:

Frankly, as a 77 year-old, I would not like to be leaving secondary school these days. For most young people it is a choice of getting an insecure low-paid job (probably on a zero-hours contract) or, with good GCSE results, going to university and getting into considerable debt. Very few have an account with the bank of mum and dad.

As for settling down with a partner, that is virtually impossible. Where is the deposit for a mortgage coming from? Where are the council or housing association homes at genuinely affordable rents? The right to buy, championed by successive governments since Mrs T, has decimated the social housing stock.

Young people today certainly do have it tough - and I feel for them. Society is really letting them down, and only the ballot box will change things.

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