Saudi “Interrogations” Reveal Vile “Deep State” Plot

in #politics7 years ago

A truly despairing Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that at the same time President Putin was able to report to the Russian people that large-scale combat actions against barbaric Sunni Islamic terrorists (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) in Syria is nearing its end, and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani was, likewise, able to give a nationwide broadcast to his Persian Shiite nation declaring that the Islamic State (IS) is finished, President Putin, just hours ago, was, nevertheless, forced to warn Russian companies that they need to “be ready to switch to war production at a minute’s notice”—and that was due to his receiving shocking information from Saudi Arabia revealing a vile “Deep State” plot to keep the entire Middle East embroiled in war for the next 30 years.
According to this report, and at this very hour, Syrian government forces, under the cover of massive Russian air power, are sweeping the west bank of the Euphrates River to the Iraqi border, and that remains the only area where ISIS terrorist units are currently still operating in that country—while east of the Euphrates River, Iraqi Army and Shiite Popular Mobilisation Forces are removing the last remaining Sunni Islamic terrorists from the desert sands approaching the Syrian border in their final sweep to destroy this radical menace forever—while at the same time, a small valiant band of Iraqi computer experts have done something the United States has never been able to do, destroy the global internet presence of ISIS.
With over 600,000 Syrian refugees having returned home as ISIS nears total defeat, this report details, they remain under Russian protection in the 2,278 settlements that have signed reconciliation agreements—with 234 “armed formations” in Syria not affiliated with ISIS having, also, signed cease fire agreements—all of whom both Russia and the United Nations are now working to supply much needed rebuilding aid to.
Left to be done in this war torn region in order to accomplish a lasting peace, this report notes, is a political process in which all of the warring parties (except ISIS) will engage in democratic processes in order to insure the viability of the Syrian Republic—and towards whose ends, President Putin, President Hassan Rouhani of Iran and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, met this past week in Sochi (Russia) for an historic summit to finalize the process of—and that Saudi Arabia has now joined by their effort to unify into a single bloc the various Sunni Muslim factions in Syria to engage in this peace process, too.

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