CNN Failed to Report These 24 Democrat Sex Scandals!

in #culture7 years ago

When CNN isn’t using 90% of their airtime to slam Trump, they’re busy covering up as many Democrat scandals as possible.
As a matter of fact, the network failed to cover a whopping 24 Democrat scandals!
All of the Democrat sex scandals that CNN has failed to report on have made news in 2017, with 19 of the 24 making news within the last month.

As sexual misconduct allegations continue to rock liberal Hollywood, the mainstream media establishment, and politicians of both political parties, at least the Democrats can count on CNN to eschew reporting about dozens of sexual allegations on members of their party.

To be fair, it is worth noting that CNN has reported on a couple of the big Democrat sex scandals currently receiving major media attention on other news networks, specifically the scandals involving Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) and Rep. John Conyers (D-MI).

When CNN is not busy giving President Donald Trump 93% negative coverage, covering for Islamic terrorists, botching gun reports, or being sued by over 200 African-Americans for racial discrimination, they are busy covering for Democrats across the United States by not reporting on scandals.

Below are 24 recent Democratic sex scandals that CNN has failed to report on their website (documentation showing CNN did not cover the scandals is provided at the bottom of this report).

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