In Harms Way: Blindly Obedient & Blissfully Ignorant Citizens

in #money7 years ago

The two most misguided notions held in America: 1. Our government wouldn't do that to us. 2. If they did, they would tell us about it on TV.

Citizens' Eyes Wide Shut

What you don't know could kill you...

Psychotronic Warfare Towers in your area!
Have you heard about the "Silent War"?
Have you seen the military alliance plans for "Full Spectrum Dominance"?
Have you researched "Biohacking" or "Cognitive Modulation", or "Human Enhancement"?
Have you researched "G.W.E.N." Towers?
Artificial Intelligence Tracking everything

WHY are CELLPHONE Towers Disguised As Trees?
WHY are there so many cellphone towers?
WHY do cellphone towers have dangerous military grade microwave warfare level voltages?

The Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) was a command and control communications system intended for use by the United States government to facilitate military communications ...

"GWEN towers are popping up everywhere in America; rural, hilltops, mountain areas, suburbs, and cities. The cover story is that they're supposed to be used for cell phone communications, but as this article reveals, Big Brother has something far more insidious in mind"...

Video posted 04 Feb 2016 by ron johnson

The Public Can Be Manipulated:

Mind control, stupor, confusion, docile, melancholy, zombies... is possible to induce remotely into the population without consent or knowledge.

It is possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be imbedded in the program material...


Nervous System Manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors, can be embedded in computer programs, initiated remotely, and covertly without the awareness of the subject(s)...

According to the name "Hendricus G. Loos" does not belong to a person, its a fictitious name...

The invention relates to the stimulation of the human nervous system by an electromagnetic field applied externally to the body. A neurological effect of external electric fields has been mentioned by Wiener (1958), in a discussion of the bunching of brain Waves through nonlinear interactions. The electric field Was arranged to provide “a direct electrical driving of the brain”. Wiener describes the field as set up by a 10 HZ alternating voltage of 400 V applied in a room between ceiling and ground. Brennan (1992) describes in US. Pat. No. 5,169,380 an apparatus for alleviating disruptions in circadian rythms of a mammal, in Which an alternating electric field is applied across the head of the subject by two electrodes placed a short distance from the skin.

A device involving a field electrode as Well as a contact electrode is the “Graham Potentializer” mentioned by Hutchison (1991). This relaxation device uses motion, light and sound as Well as an alternating electric field applied mainly to the head. The contact electrode is a metal bar in Ohmic contact With the bare feet of the subject, and the field electrode is a hemispherical metal headpiece placed several inches from the subject’s head.

In these three electric stimulation methods the external
electric field is applied predominantly to the head, so that
electric currents are induced in the brain in the physical
manner governed by electrodynamics. Such currents can be
largely avoided by applying the field not to the head, but
rather to skin areas away from the head. Certain cutaneous
receptors may then be stimulated and they Would provide a
signal input into the brain along the natural pathways of
afferent nerves. It has been found that, indeed, physiological
effects can be induced in this manner by very Weak electric
fields, if they are pulsed With a frequency near 1/2 HZ. The
observed effects include ptosis of the eyelids, relaxation,
drowziness, the feeling of pressure at a centered spot on the
lower edge of the brow, seeing moving patterns of dark
purple and greenish yellow With the eyes closed, a tonic
smile, a tense feeling in the stomach, sudden loose stool, and
sexual excitement, depending on the precise frequency used,
and the skin area to Which the field is applied. The sharp
frequency dependence suggests involvement of a resonance

It has been found that the resonance can be excited not
only by externally applied pulsed electric fields, as discussed
in US. Pat. Nos. 5,782,874, 5,899,922, 6,081,744, and
6,167,304, but also by pulsed magnetic fields, as described
in US. Pat. Nos. 5,935,054 and 6,238,333, by Weak heat
pulses applied to the skin, as discussed in US. Pat. Nos.
5,800,481 and 6,091,994, and by subliminal acoustic pulses,
as described in US. Pat. No. 6,017,302. -Quote from United States Patent, US006506148B2, Patent N0.: US 6,506,148 B2



Title: This Creepy Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System
Video posted 07 Jun 2017 by Truthstream Media

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