homage to JORGE WAGENSBERG, passed away last week.ENG-SPANISH.

in #scientist7 years ago

The image is by Peter Gric, whom kindly flew his drone over a tree to get the image I needed. Thank you!

The other night I had a dream. Originally I wrote this text in Spanish, so I feel it´s more real in that version, but here is the English. I hope this helps people appreciate the importance of this man, Jorge Wagensberg. I haven´t found footage in english. I always read him in spanish.


I have just spent months looking for Labyrinths hidden in the matter and space that surrounds me.
The other night I came across a possible image of one in a dream.
All the ways of this Labyrinth take one to the same place in the centre.
Some ways take us in circles, curves or sharp turns, extending the experience of passage .
Other ways are more direct even though they are still complex in their own way.
Others move with the air, and fluctuate, connecting and disconnecting with no order.

In this dream I see the Labyrinth from above, from the perfect angle in the center.
If I put my attention on it´s matter, it draws out a different labyrinth than if I place my attention on the space. These are two shapes, found one in the other. The positive fits perfectly into the negative.

Seen from above, this Labyrinth has layers of depth. Tricky ways to move from one space to the other, initially quite difficult to perceive.
The direct ways are never all at one level, and those more complex ones, actually hide a wonderful simplicity, only reachable through deep understanding.
The centre of this Labyrinth is the access to another dimension. It´s the prize one gets for having solved a given problem. It´s the instant “intellectual joy” that takes us to the next level of comprehension. Each time, to a larger challenge, in yet a more complex labyrinth.

If I woke up with this image at any another day, I might come to completely different thoughts. It all depends on where I choose to focus on, the whole perspective changes.
The image is a tree seen from above, right from the tip of it, looking down. I see a labyrinth. In this dream, this image is the diagram of understandings that a wonderful scientist left behind for us this past week. His “Intellectual joy” took him to an other dimension, to a higher level of game, to keep on working out, solving and creating. At least I hope that is the way!

A dream homage to Jorge Wagensberg who passed away last week and whom truly inspired me. When I name “intellectual Joy” in this text, that is a direct translation of a concept he named in spanish as Gozo Intelectual , that he explains very well in his book by this name.


Llevo meses buscando Laberintos escondidos en la materia y espacio que nos rodean.
Anoche soñé con una imagen. Era un Laberinto donde todos sus caminos llevan a un mismo lugar, el centro.

Algunos de estos caminos tienen un recorrido curvo o circular dando pie a alargar así la experiencia del tránsito.
Otros son más directos, pero no por ello son menos complejos.
Otros caminos se mueven con el aire, conectando y desconectando espacios al azar.

En este sueño, este Laberinto lo veo desde arriba, en el ángulo justo sobre el centro. Si me fijo en la materia, el laberinto dibuja una forma muy distinta a la que se me muestra si me fijo en el espacio. Son dos formas que se encuentran una dentro de la otra.
Dependiendo sobre qué enfoque mi atención, el laberinto cambia su forma. El positivo encaja en el negativo de la misma imagen.

Visto desde arriba, este laberinto tiene capas que crean profundidad.
Ingeniosas vías para moverse de un lugar a otro, imperceptibles a simple vista.
Los caminos directos al centro del Laberinto nunca son a un mismo nivel, y aquellos otros que se muestran más complejos esconden una simplicidad que solo se logra con la comprensión. El centro de este laberinto es el acceso a otra dimensión. Es el premio que uno recibe por haber solucionado el problema planteado. Es el instante del gozo intelectual que lleva a uno al siguiente nivel de comprensión, con, una vez más, un reto mayor, otro laberinto.

Esta misma imagen, al despertarme otro día, me puede llevar a otro análisis. Cada día es un momento distinto, dependiendo en qué enfoque mi atención.
La imagen es un árbol visto desde arriba, justo desde arriba.
En mi sueño, es el esquema de comprensiones que me ha dejado un gran científico que esta semana hemos perdido. Su gozo intelectual lo ha llevado a otra dimensión, a otro nivel del juego, a seguir solucionando y creando. O por lo menos, eso le deseo.

Sueño-homenaje a Jorge Wagensberg. Marzo 2018 . Ibiza.

please explore these links, hopefully you can understand Spanish for this. Or google his name and explore!
Best Wishes,




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<3 This is a heart, or an ice cream, you choose.


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Thank you!

Thank you for this emotional and beautiful homage you are sharing here. People connected in hearts stay connected forever.

The snow is back so I can get you more pics of trees from above! :-)

That pic is so perfect for this! thank you!

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