in #motivation7 years ago (edited)

Time for Straight Talk

One of the things I want to do this month here on my blog is to share some very helpful words of wisdom on love, courtship and marriage.

My wife, @thelovejunkie, is a terrific love catalyst you should read after. I recommend you take the things I'll be sharing here about love for the next 12 days and study them along with the things she writes.

Expect this to be eye-opening. I'll be as simple as possible and as direct as I should be.

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So, let's talk about sexual compatibility. These are excerpts from my teachings at the last Relationship School Conference held in October 2017.

Hollywood or the Holy Word

We live in a world where the relationship ideas that most people operate by are in most cases, manufactured by a few persons located somewhere called Hollywood.

These people have worked hard to reshape the culture of the entire world for several decades now.

To the point that many people today don't even know that the way getting married is done now is a sharp departure from the way it was done decades and centuries back.

Many wrong ideas have changed some very good values that people once held and lived by.

It's sad to find that a lot of people in recent times have built all their hopes and dreams on such wrong ideas.

Yes, I believe in development and embracing change but there are virtues and truths we should not trade for anything.

There are fundamental principles that should be held firmly. Solomon called them ancient landmarks and he counsels us not to remove them.

Proverbs 22:28
Do not remove the ancient landmark
which your fathers have set.

My assignment today is to help see what those ancient landmarks are. I also would help you edit your thinking to the point where it comes into sync with God's Word.

As I share the truths you'll also discover that you're being transported from Hollywood to the Holy Word of God.

Erroneous Misconceptions

As we start, I want to first mention some misconceptions (errors and lies) about sexual compatibility in our world today.

  1. There's nothing wrong with having sex before marriage.

  2. Enough sex before marriage gives you the necessary skills and experience you'd later need to enjoy your marriage.

  3. Having sex before marriage helps you know if your to-be spouse would be able to satisfy you sexually or not.

  4. If the sex isn't good before marriage it's a sign that the marriage will be boring.

There are many other incorrect beliefs and ideologies that we don't even have time to mention here.

The plain truth is that these and all others like them are lies!!!

In helping us know what's right and in equipping us for an amazing marital experience, wisdom is the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7).

This means that what we need the most is wisdom. The good news is that the Word of God is the wisdom of God.

Seeking God's Perspective

If we care enough to ask God what route to take, He'll show us and we will find rest as a result of doing it His way.

Jeremiah 6:16 (NKJV)
Thus says the Lord : “Stand in the ways and see, And ask for the old paths, where the good way is, And walk in it; Then you will find rest for your souls. But they said, ‘We will not walk in it. ’

I believe you don't want to be like the rebels who said they won't walk in the ways God recommends for them.


Truth talk, you just nailed it

Scriptures take on marriage is often perceived as if God is trying to keep something away from us. What I have learned however is that it is God trying to pretect us from ourselves. Just think about all the diseases, fatherless homes, etc. There's so many things that could negatively impact people's lives by not following the wisdom of the Word on these matters.

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