July 17 - 20, 2017 THE BLOCKCHAIN EVENT 2017 Las Vegas

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

BlockchainParty coming to my city. If anyone's from Las Vegas and you're into crypto, yall need to check this out!

Get the Tools You Need to Navigate Blockchain Terrain and Opportunities

Join industry leaders, developers, and leading investors at The Blockchain Event this July in Las Vegas, NV. The one-day marquee event will explore the trend shaking the traditional investment industry, the Initial Coin Offering, a new form of capital raising unique to the blockchain and cryptocurrency market.

Industry experts, including founders of cutting edge startups from around the world, will discuss the emerging ICO fever, the regulation and policy surrounding it and what the future holds for the disruptive form of raising.

Topics Covered Include:

Blockchain Training

Lecture sessions will include examinations of the different types of distributed ledgers, from permissioned ones to the bitcoin blockchain, detailed explanation of how their networks operate their transaction processing and smart contract features, their methods for establishing consensus and best practises for securing blockchain applications.

Internet of Value

The blockchain will lead to an explosion of tradeable assets across borders at a fraction of the current cost associated with settlement and in virtual real-time. Put simply, it makes transferring value as easy as sending email. This will disrupt commerce and financial institutions to an unprecedented level, including the disintermediation of the financial system, increased global financial inclusion and even being an enabler of the 4th industrial revolution. Explore the potentials of blockchain technology revolutionizing capital markets, trade finance, international and domestic payments and insurance.

Web 3.0, Decentralization & Cryptography

In the beginning the web was a decentralized publishing platform for static, hyperlinked media, primarily for human consumption. In the second phase, which we are still in, the web has changed to being a series of dynamic and siloed application platforms for both human and machine participation, these platforms are centrally controlled networks where content and commerce are powered by members and user participation. In these sessions we will discuss how Blockchain technologies, advancements in P2P hypermedia, with roots in both p2p file sharing systems and content-centric networking, can lead to a third phase of the web; a democratized and global distribution platform that breaks down walled gardens and puts content producers truly in charge of their business.

Emerging Opportunities

Discover how Blockchain Technology can benefit a wide spectrum of industries. Some applications we will cover include the impact of blockchains in the energy and utilities industry, the media industry, both from a production and distribution perspective, the telecom industry, healthcare, government and the public sector.

Regulations & Policy for a Decentralized World

Any technology as transformative as the blockchain comes with a myriad of regulatory challenges, with the financial industry looking at the blockchain as its foundational technology platform, regulators across the globe are keenly focusing their attention on the legal and regulatory implications of this technology. It is essential for all parties evaluating blockchain technologies and all decision makers in technology, finance, law and government organizations to understand the emerging regulatory implications that come with an Internet of Value.

Speculating on the Future

What comes after the blockchain in the evolution of the Internet of Value? What role will mobile phones play in a cashless society with myriad of currencies and things that look like currencies? Can the interplay of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Machine Intelligence and the Internet of Things be the 4th industrial revolution? Come join us to discuss these topics and more.
Link to the site: https://www.ethnews.com

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63811.18
ETH 2610.29
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.83