"BACKED BY COMMON COINAGE"...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #currency7 years ago (edited)

It only makes sense that the new currency be backed by Common Coinage, or as I like to call it, "Pocket Change"...

As per Artical 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, it says we have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value thereof... We can use this Power to adjust the Buying Power of Common Coinage...

Here's what Article 1, Section 8 says that makes it apply to what I've been writing...

"To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures... To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States'...

I say we give a common ordinary penny, a New Buying power equal to one of the Federal Reserve Note Dollars...

Now... Being of equal value, we can turn in all the Fiat Paper Debt Notes "owned" by the Federal Reserve and receive one Cent back with the new increased buying power...

Wow... What a way to pay off the Debt... We have Debt Notes scattered all over the World... They can be redeemed at a rate of one cent per dollar, and we can give them back to the Federal Reserve for Shredding or Burning... We don't need their Debt Notes... We never did...

We won't be needing THEIR MONEY... We'll gather up all the Debt Notes "owned" by the Federal Reserve, and give them back to erase the National Debt...

They say the interest on the Debt Notes were never created... No worries, we can Mint as many Coins or Print as many New, Coin backed Dollars as we need... We can pay them off with OUR (debt free) MONEY...

Naturally along with the Pennies... The Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, Halfs and the Dollar Coins will all be adjusted with the new buying power of 100 Fold...

The Metal values of the coins, don't bring value to the coins, just like Paper doesn't bring value to the Currencies...

As per the Reset, it will remain the same as before... A hundred cents will get you a New Dollar or the other way around, a New Dollar will get you a hundred cents...

The New Paper (Debt Free) Dollars will be backed by "Common (Debt Free) Coinage"... If you want to go out and buy some Gold or Silver, I'm sure they will reach Fair Market Value and adjust with the New Buying Power of our Money...

Opinions are welcomed...US Best....jpg

This Post is very important and should be Re-Steemed over and over again... Thanks @pocketechange


Common coinage sounds good but where is it now? If it is the old coins from the early 60's and before I do not think there is enough available. The current coins I would not trust any more then the current $. They would have to make new coins with some real metal in it.

As for giving back to debt notes to pay off the debt I understand that there is a lot less debt notes in existence then actual debt how will that work out?

Just some thoughts. The concept is good.

We have the right to coin money and regulate the value thereof...
We only owe the Debt Notes the U.S. borrowed into existence...
If you're in debt personalty, that will be your problem to face...

Perhaps only a few rolls of dollar coins might do the trick... Just
4 rolls of 25 will have the buying power of 10,000 old debt notes...

That could pay off a lot of debt if you saw it coming... "Hint, hint"...

Let's hope you're buying power is increased by the pocket change
you already have socked away...

This is why so many are buying into, "junk silver" which actually has more value than their face value.
I still say trade them dollars for silver and gold, especially silver right now.
Lot of folks turning those dollars, even countries for gold.
Like the post, good post!

Don't get me wrong, because I love Gold and Silver Coins too... They will reach Fair Market Value along with everything else after the Reset... But it's not the Gold or Silver that will save us from the Clutches of the Federal Reserve and Central Banksters... It will be Common (Pocket Change) Coinage that saves us and pays off the National Debt... That's why it's so important for this Post to be Resteemed, over and over again... Thanks...

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