The Assassination of Seth Rich

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Below is a list of events, resources, and a timeline covering the assassination of Seth Rich

A summary of the Seth Rich murder in a Wikipedia style format

Seth Rich Wikipedia

Assange Interview where he suggests Seth Rich was the DNC leak and offers reward for info

Private Investigator claims Seth Rich was in contact with Wikileaks and evidence of cover up

Kim DotCom claims he assisted Seth Rich with the DNC leak and will provide evidence of such


September 27, 2007 - Amy Dacy hosts meeting between DNC officials and Soros Fund Management to discuss funding for new voter mobilization contact method.

2008 – IWILLVOTE (above project) website created

2009 – Ian Reynolds becomes Senior Systems Administrator to DNC

2010 – Ian Reynolds is no longer Senior Systems Administrator (he goes to Peace Corps from March 2011 to May 2013)

June- November 2010 - Seth Rich is campaign staffer for Nebraska Democratic Party

2011 – Seth Rich graduates from a Jesuit college

March 2012 - Seth joins Greenberg Quinlan Rosner as Research Data Associate

December 2013 -- Seth Rich (/u/MeGrimlock4) asks Reddit for DC volunteer opportunities and mentions "things starting" in
January. Prefers to volunteer at soup kitchens over working with kids.

May 2014 -- Seth Rich leaves Greenberg Quinlan Rosner

June 2014 -- Seth Rich joins the DNC as the national data director

July 23, 2014 -- Stonetear crowdsources e-mail scrub via Reddit - however, specifically asks about hiding email addresses - not whole emails. Also claims he has separate storage.

September 2014 -- /u/stonetear asks Reddit for help turning his phone into a static router. Installs VPN log reporter for all connectivity

December 2014 -- Hillary tells Paul Combetta (/u/stonetear) to delete all incriminating emails re: recent events. But he "forgets" to until March

December 2014 -- Cheryl Mills contacts FBI to request that the required email retention be reduced to 60 days

***December 19, 2014 -- Hillary refuses to respond to Pedosta for fear of "Email Elves" (Email 8012)

***December 20, 2014 -- Hillary and Pedosta have conversation she is afraid to have around "email elves" (202-999-0738, 10am EST)

February 21-22, 2015 -- John Pedosta (email 36082) and Robbie Mook discuss leaks apparent in an article by WaPo and discuss making an example of the leaker - with or without evidence.(

March 2015 - Paul Combetta (/u/stonetear) suddenly "remembers Hillary's December request" to delete emails and thus deletes emails

September 2015 -- Josh Uretsky joins Bernie campaign as national data director, recommended by Seth Rich (according to Sanders in a Dec 2015 interview).

October 2015 -- Clinton Email Testimony

December 2015 -- /u/stonetear is given the project of creating weekly reports of emails being sent or received over a certain size; again goes to Reddit.

December 16, 2015 -- NGP VAN applies new patch to DNC servers. According to email 15792, due to a "glitch in the code" the normal system barriers were lowered for four hours and users could access other users data. This data could still only be accessed by other DNC user accounts. Four unique users ran and downloaded the results of 25 unique searches, saved to private hard drives and were removed from the premises.
Note: Urbetsky was unavailable for comment in the aftermath. December 17, 2015 -- DNC officials discover the person who accessed information was connected to the Bernie team and demand discipline of the individual.

December 18, 2015 -- Bernie campaign fires Josh Uretsky, his campaign's national data director

December 19, 2015 (Saturday evening at 10pm) Amy Dacey reports the previous incident to Podesta (via Mary Fisher for some reason)

Jan 2016 -- Sanders claims (in May 17 interview) that his Nevada HQ had shots fired and nearby employee apartments ransacked

***January 2016 -- Seth Rich creates Pandas4Bernie Twitter, tumblr and FB page#

***February 2016 -- Paul Combetta (/u/stonetear) meets with FBI and denies deleting any emails#

February 2016 -- (/u/stonetear) asks Reddit about overcoming firewalls and VPNs in a series of posts

May 2016 -- (/u/stonetear) gives Reddit HRC's IP address and domain while struggling to install VPN

May 2016 -- Paul Combetta (/u/stonetear) and Bryan Pagliano are offered immunity deals by DoJ. Paul Combetta admits to deleting emails

May 3, 2016 – Bernie pulls off surprise primary victory in Indiana Primary

May 14-15, 2016 -- Enraged Bernie supporters shut down Dem HQ in Nevada after a weekend of violence, vandalism

May 17, 2016 – Bernie wins Oregon primary (final Democrat primaries, including California, would be in June. Stuck fork in Sanders, because he was done by mid-June)

May 21, 2016 - WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen reportedly receives DNC email transfer from Seth Rich May 25, 2016 - Date of the last email in the DNC Email Archive released by Wikileaks [** KEY DATE]. Where was Seth Rich on this date? What was his state of mind? Did something happen on or about May 25, 2016 that resulted in Seth Rich losing access to high-level DNC emails? Or did he get one-time access to the DNC emails on May 25, 2016 and downloaded them all then? ←—— Investigation needed.

June 6, 2016 -- /u/MeGrimlock4 final post:

June 14, 2016 -- DNC hires Crowdstrike to find the "Russian hackers" who have been hacking the DNC for over a year. Claims that the past week has included purges to staff to weed out hackers.

***July 2016 -- After 6 years and over 30,000 posts, /u/MeGrimlock4 falls silent. Final comment is about the awesomeness of food trucks:

July 2016 -- FBI recommends not charging HRC or aides for mishandling classified information

July 3, 2016 -- DNC is served with a class action lawsuit

July 5, 2016 -- Seth Rich is invited to Hillary Clinton's campaign team according to Joel Rich in an August 16 interview

July 9, 2016 -- Seth Rich posts "gun-control" FB post:

July 10, 2016 – Seth Rich Killed

July 12, 2016 – Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire

July 22, 2016 – Wikileaks publishes 19,252 emails and 8,034 attachments from the DNC, including emails from seven key DNC Staff members. The leaked DNC emails have a date range of January 2015 to May 25, 2016 (* KEY DATE RANGE)

August 1, 2016 10am - Andrew Therrialt meeting at the White House

August 2, 2016 - Shawn Lucas, DNC process server, dies mysteriously from what turns out to be a combination of hospital grade pain killers, muscle relaxers and kratom - an ingredient in some herbal teas.

*** August 2, 2016 -- Amy Dacey resigns amidst controversy***

August 16, 2016 - The Chief of DC police conveniently exits stage left after only a month of the Seth Rich murder to some cushy sinecure position with the NFL as "head of security"?

September 2016 -- Wikileaks Craig Murry claims to have met a "disgusted" DNC staffer that was one of multiple sources of the legally obtained leaks (revealed in a Dec 14, 2016 interview)

September 16, 2016 - article [] by Charles Smith of “Softwar” titled “Guccifer 2.0 DNC DOCS – DEPLORABLE DNC” and dated September 15, 2016. In this Article, Ian Reynolds is labeled as “DNC technical staff member” and noting that Ian Reynolds was doing work then for the DNC on some problem associated with the DNC’s problems with processing credit cards because the DNC systems “could not pass security tests required for certification.”

September 18, 2016 - /u/stonetear account purges all posts.

September 30, 2016 -- Kratom is petitioned to be made a schedule 1 drug by the DEA to mass scientific criticism. (The FDA describes it as a "dietary supplement.")

October 12, 2016 -- DEA withdraws petition to schedule kratom admitting the decision was made "too hastily."

October 2016 -- Wikileaks publishes Pedosta emails

October 2016 -- WikiLeaks Director Gavin MacFadyen dies of Lung Cancer

April 27, 2017 - Andrew Therrialt tweets calling Seth Rich an embarrassment

Analysis of the murder location

Podesta suggesting they "make an example" of a leaker in a leaked email

DNC PR staffer representing the Rich family

The Social Media accounts of Seth Rich


wikileaks WikiLeaks tweeted @ 11 Aug 2016 - 21:38 UTC

Seth Rich's new "family spokesman" is Brad Bauman a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group.

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Guys feel free to add any relevant information and I will edit it into the main article.

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