Augustinian Monastery at Karlov (Prague)


The Augustinian cloister was founded by Charles the Fourth in 1350, together with the church of Virgin Mary and St. Charles the Great. Since the middle ages, it had been a frequently visited place of pilgrimage. The cloister stood in the west direction from the church, close to the fortification walls. Extensive Baroque modifications between1660 and 1668 were realized by architect Giovanni Battista Orsi, and at the beginning of the 18th century, the cloister was extended by František Maxmilián Kaňka to include a new abbey. Following reforms by Emperor Joseph the Second, the cloister was closed in 1785 and then served as a municipal hospice for poor people in their last days.

During the Communist regime, on the premises was established the Museum of Czechoslovak Border Patrol. They were supposed to prevent disruption of the state borders by "western spies", as well as prevent their own citizens from leaving the "Communist Paradise". At present, there is an exhibition of the Museum of Police with a permanent show of police weapons, uniforms and helmets.

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