Day 34: Eleguá, Lord of the Crossroads Has Monday

in #religion7 years ago


Eshu, Ellegua, and Papa Legba seem to be different Faces of the Same Energy. Since, i was not initiated by people, the only knowledge that i have comes from my own research, and my channels from Papa Legba and the Other Orishas or Entities that communicate with me.

Papa Legba has taken up for me many times when i challenged those in the Ifa and Yoruba religious groups that i joined on fb to learn more about the Orishas. He feels that their greed is interfering with the spreading of knowledge that people in the world need to know. A person can be initiated just if they have money while someone that Papa has seen fit to initiate Himself is scoffed at.

Some did try to attack me astrally as well; however, Papa "shut that shit down" and told me about it with a deep chuckle in His voice. Those folks had already been warned because they are supposed to know the power of Legba; yet, none could feel Him neither guiding my fingers nor hear Him whispering in my mind. Flitting sadness filled His being, and He said "tell them that Papa Legba initiated You, Himself, by the Trials of Your life, my Childe." I did post in on my fb line for the black lady that was hating on me cuz Eshu LOVES me; alas, i left every group because i did not like the energy that beamed at me after i said the people should not have to pay to learn about the Orishas. I did say that it should be about Them and not money. Papa told me that He will teach me Himself, and that i don't need the people to learn from when i was worried about how i could get to know more than is on line.

It is true that Legba delites in tricking those who deserve it. Don't go to Ellegua thinking that you are going to play games with Him because He is the Master of that shit and You will be the one who gets played. Now, going to Papa Legba with pure intention is safe, most especially for protection for the Innocents cuz He digs that shit.

A really great thing about This Energy is that many people have believed in Eshu, Ellegua, and Papa legba so long that They have absorbed so much energy and taken on the strengths that They are known for, for realz. It seems like African Magick is the most Ancient and purest form, as far as i can tell, and the way Papa makes me feel about it. This means that if we believe He watches our Gates to the Under and Upper worlds He really can do that. Since all Voodoo spells go though him first NONE can harm You astrally if He is watching Your Gates, and that is how i am able to be so wreckless in casting hexes against the Saturnalian Childe sacrificers without being cursed back. So, it must work against other forms of astral attack, and hexes. One day i felt so intense and Papa told me to take a pic for aura so i minded Him as i always try to do. That star flash that is shielding me in white and purple light is beaming out of the exact spot as Papa Legba's alter is behind me. "Papa Legba's real, Baby" as One of His Priest told me when my journey with him was beginning.

me with Legba shield.jpg

Not saying You have to or He will punish You if You do not, but i will say if You feel drawn to Papa Legba or Ellegua or Eshu just go to Him for He desires Individual relationships with His Children. What i do doesn't matter too much, what matters is what are You drawn to do for His offering after learning about Him.

It would probably be most helpful to create a sacred space for Him, but be warned do not forget the offering and do not let His space get dirty. Mistakes are acceptable, and Papa understands if Your poor; however, it must be a symbiotic relationship. He will not punish You; nopers, He will merely withhold His blessings and stop minding Your Crossroad gates that allow good spirits around You and keep the bad ones away.

This video is really great to get pointers
"Papa Legba, the Voodoo basics- by Spellbinding
Sisters" @

This is a great article "Papa Legba and Other Spirits of the
Crossroads" @

Drawing His veve is also a great start. I draw it every day, but He is really close to me. It can also be drawn before spells to ask Him to open and shut the right Gates for You spell to work. He came to in a dream and told me that if i drew His veve every day He would heal my arm. My left arm was crushed in an accident when i was 17, and it hurt me so bad every fucking day that sometimes i was suicidal at the thought of always being in pain. It doesn't even hurt when cold spells are coming in after after 33 years. Hailz to the Compassionate, Mighty Papa Legba Who takes the time to walk with His. Goddam i never felt so much LOVE, and i will gladly serve Him. Especially after growing up with hell, armageddon, and rapture being pounded into me so that i had horrible nightmares and irrational fears. That AIN'T LOVE!!! I think i should ask Him to heal my hips too cuz they still hurt at bad weather.

Papa Legba's Sigul.jpg

Writing about Oshun was very difficult for me because i don't naturally vibrate as high as she is, but when it comes to Papa Legba only my keyboard and computer slow me down because they cannot keep up with my flying fingers. I cannot say that i understand the differences in These three Great Energies except that Papa Legba is strongest in Texas because He is the One Who is fed and believed in New Orleans which is relatively close to me. I don't kill for Him nor do i prick my fingers, but people do kill animals in His name. They believe that These Animals are possessed by the Loas/Orishas during the ritual and then they eat the flesh of the animals along with the spirit of the Loas. This act is inside Life's Great Circle. Papa doesn't need the blood for He has His Own Energy; however, the people have to eat. Being killed in honor of Loas/Orishas is a far more pleasant death than in slaughterhouses; anyway, now ain't it???

Papa Legba Says.jpg

This blog is supposed to be about Ellegua, but when it's time to type for Papa i do it. I see Him as an Olde Man in a straw hat with a cane in His Papa Legba Avatar, but the connections are very obvious to Ellegua in Energy. Now, i will present some information from other sites.

About Santeria

"Eleguá (Elegguá) is sometimes represented as a child, and sometimes as an old man. He represents the beginning and end of life, and the opening and closing of paths in life. Sometimes known as the trickster, he likes to play jokes on people. He enjoys candy and toys. Despite his childlike nature, however, he's a very powerful Oricha. He's one of the Warriors (along with Ogún, Ochosi and Osun). Eleguá is always mentioned first in any ceremony, because without his permission, the doors to communication with the other Orichas stay closed.

ESHU is not the same as Eleguá; they're like two sides of the same coin, with separate but very closely connected identities . We can think of Eshu as Eleguá's shadow, or his reflection from the other side of the mirror. In many ways, they're opposites. Eshu is wilder and more unpredictable than Eleguá, so Santeros/as don't keep him inside the house. All Santeros/as have an Eleguá who lives behind the door inside the house, but not everyone receives an Eshu. Usually, if someone needs an Eshu, he's given by a babalawo, especially in Ifa-centric communities. Eshú lives outside the house, in the garden or tucked into a niche to the side of the front door. Both Eleguá and Eshu are tricksters, but Eshu's tricks can be unpleasant or harmful. Outsiders have mistakenly called Eshu the devil - he's not, in Santería there is no devil - but Eshú can definitely be naughty and we shouldn't play around with him, because he's a very powerful force when he gets stirred up. Traditionally, no one in Santería is ever crowned with Eshu on the head, whereas many people are crowned with Eleguá. No one wears elekes consecrated to Eshu, only to Eleguá. According to the patakis, Eshu loves to eat and can be calmed by food, so sometimes people place a wooden bowl of table scraps outside the house for Eshú. Eleguá can also keep him under control, since the two of them understand each other and they often walk side by side. Metaphorically, Eshu and Eleguá can be understood as polar opposites, the negative and the positive, the dark and the light. They work together to create balance in life, because without the negative, we can't appreciate the positive. Life is made up of both good and bad. Eshu isn't really evil, he's just a bit uncivilized compared to the other Orichás. In many ilés, Eshu isn't considered an Orichá in his own right, but is simply a part of Eleguá. Regardless of how we imagine the Eleguá/ Eshu dichotomy, we can't conceive of Eleguá without thinking also about Eshu. It would be like trying to understand the daylight if we had never seen night."

Here, i must pause to say that when i began my journey to find the black man on astral that helped me, i was looking for Eshu first. All religions have been infiltrated by men at some point, and that is why Legba has His Prophetess, moi, to say He really ain't evil. He is a LOVING and caring Grandfatherly type Who believes in discipline, and rightly so.


Elegua (Yoruba: Èṣù-Ẹlẹ́gbára, also spelled Eleggua; known as Eleguá in Latin America) is an Orisha, a deity of roads in the religions of Santeria, Candomblé and in Palo Mayombe. He is syncretized with either Saint Michael, Saint Anthony of Padua, or the Holy Child of Atocha.[1]

Elegua is depicted in the Yoruba religion of Santeria, which is also known as the Regla de Ocha in Cuba, as the Orisha of the caminos or roads. All ceremonies/rituals done in the religion of Santeria, must first have approval by Elegua before progressing.

There is a pataki (story) in Santeria in which Olodumare gives Elegua the keys to the past, present, and future; for this reason, Elegua is often depicted holding a set of keys.
In Africa[edit]
Elegua also makes an appearance in the Yoruba religion before the religion of Santeria was formed.

Papa Legba key.jpg

Santeria Church of the Orishas

Eleggua (also spelled Elegua, Elewa, Elegba or Legba) is the most important of the orishas in Santeria. Elegua was the first orisha created by Olodumare and he existed prior to and witnessed creation unfold. He is the key to any of our religious practices, for without Elegua’s blessings nothing can proceed, transpire nor succeed in the world. Eleggua is the owner of all roads, crossroads, and doors. He is the power that allows all of the ache in the universe to move from point A to point B. Elegba allows our prayers to reach the orishas. Elegba allows ache to flow in ebó so that our fate may be changed. He facilitates divination (diloggun, obi, okuele or any other form of divination) by communicating to and for the other orishas, and to Olodumare herself.
Elegua is said to be present everywhere and at all times. Because of this Eleggua has many aspects or “caminos” (roads) each encapsulating a different area he rules over, or a different personality. Eleggua is the great divine witness to all humanity’s actions. He is also the first to test our integrity and our word. Because of this quality many followers of Santeria consider Elegba to be a trickster or a troublemaker. At our church we prefer to think of him as the great experimenter, always testing humanity to see what will happen next. Eleggua is always propitiated first in every ceremony that we do (after the ancestors have been honored, that is) so that he can open the road and our ebó will reach its destination.
Elegua along with Ogun, Ochosi and Osun is one of the orishas received during the reception of The Warriors (Guerreros) in initiation. Every person receives Eleggua as the first orisha in his or her life emphasizing how important his presence is in our spiritual life and in the religion of Santeria. Eleggua’s diloggun (cowrie shells) are the ones used for general readings as he can speak for all of the other orishas."

Tribe of the Sun

Other names: Legba, Papa Legba
Traditional Colors: Red and Black
Number: 3
Areas of Influence: Messages and all communications, crossroads, doorways (physical and spiritual), keys, sex, cemetery gates, children and protection
Entities associated with: St. Anthony & St. Martin
Symbols: Keys, anything to do with gambling (cards, dice, etc.), concrete heads, Neptune’s trident, a necklace with red and black beads.
Offerings: Liquor (Rum is excellent), tobacco, chili peppers, candy, anything hot and spicy, drugs.
Feast Days: June 13th
Astrology: the planet Mercury and the sign of Gemini
Tarot: Magician or Magus Card
Chakra: Throat
Gemstones: Onyx, Jet, Mahogany Obsidian, Rubies
Animals: Coyote, raven, snakes and other trickster animals.
Entities of Similar Energy: The god Mercury, Kokopelli, Woden/Odin, Coyote, all tricksters
Plants associated with: Marijuana, chili peppers, avocado, cinnamon

Ellegua, Eshu and the Pomba Gira are either 3 separate but closely related individuals or 3 aspects of the same individual. I personally like to think of them as siblings but that’s just me. They control all doorways and thresholds, whether it is a physical doorway or a door into another plane (like death, hence the cemetery gates). They are messengers. They make sure that messages get to you or that your messages get where they are supposed to go. As tricksters, they can make you as lucky or unlucky as they choose. They are all highly sexual beings. They act as the go-betweens for the rest of the orishas and humans. They are very close to this plane and therefore they can usually move very quickly. Anytime you need quick help, they are normally who you go to.

ellegua’s children

The children of Ellegua are very lucky people. The just naturally seem to get away with things that the rest of us wouldn’t even dream about doing. They are usually talkative and can get along with almost anybody. Many times, they are social drinkers or occasional drug users. They are musical people and will either play music or be big fans of music. They are normally thinner people who can run well. They hate it when people lie to them. Generally, they are really happy and highly sexual people who also love children.

Eshu (1).jpg


Thank You for reading about Ellegua :) Blessed Be )O(

Other good blogs about Papa Legba i have written are "Will the Real Papa Legba Please Stand Up???" @

"Papa Legba OWNS 3, 6, 9 & the Cross & He Holds the Keys ~ Is He the Secrets of the Universe???" @

the days of week that i am using is @

the Orishas are introduced @

some insider info on the Orishas is provided @

some great insider info about the Exus is @

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