Social Media Censorship II

in #deletegoogle6 years ago

Social Media Censorship II

#deletegoogle #deletewalledgardens #censorship #beastsystem

[quote]Are those who question the severity of global warming worse than Nazis? I wouldn't think so, but YouTube, owned by Google, seems to.

I wrote last week that YouTube added a Wikipedia link about global warming to videos like ones I do about climate change.

Extra information sounds helpful. But when social media platforms only pick certain politically disfavored positions to add Wiki links to, they skew debate. Worse, Wikipedia's global warming page has been captured by alarmist editors. It's very one-sided.

On CNN last week, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey said, "I think we need to constantly show that we are not adding our own bias, which I fully admit is left, is more left-leaning."

At least Dorsey admits that. Usually, powerful social media platforms push their political agendas while pretending not to have any.

Roy Spencer, author of "Climate Confusion," points out that when he does a Google search for "climate skepticism," the first 10 pages aren't links to skepticism. Instead, they're links to articles criticizing climate change skepticism.

By contrast, he points out, a search for "Nazi Party" yields mostly straightforward commentary about what Nazis believed.[/quote]

#^[url=]John Stossel - Social Media Censorship II[/url]


[quote]Now that Google can search everything you've said, YouTube may flag it as misinformation. Facebook can track what all your relatives and friends have said, too. Activists stand ready to get angry about all of it.[/quote]


All social media is an instrument of the Beast system. The only decent purpose for social media today is to use the platform to attack the platform. The war has been waging for decades. Our side has been put to sleep.

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