
One week consists of seven days. In the old records, when the names were given for days, they were inspired by the values that were considered holy among the numbers. The week word is Persian and it means seven. Day names consist of Arabic names and Persian numbers in Turkish. The seven-day week is not based on an astronomical basis; Mesopotamia is an invention. When Ahd-i-Atik told the creation, he said to them, "And Allah finished His work in the seventh day and rested on the seventh day from all the work he did," declares the sanctuary of the seventh day and completes the week. What is the root of the day names and who found the days.
The Babylonians also adopted in the Christian world seven days a week to give five planets and sun and moon names known at that time. The eight-day week in which the Romans used for a while was determined by Constantinus to be seven days in M.S 321, the first day on Sunday and the holiday-worship day. The tradition, taken from Judaism by the planetary system in Latince, which numbered only Sebt's day and numbered others according to him, is now mixed in Europe.

The planet system is English in the purest form of Galce, Breton and Germen. The purest church form is found in Portugal. The Portuguese week starts with "Domingo" (Latin dies Solis and dies Dominica, Sun day, God's day), "Segunda feira", "Terme feira" and Saturday with "Sabado" (La-tince dies Saturni, dies Sabbatum) ends. The market with sun and moon days in Iceland, which has the most complicated system, is the day of the week except for Monday, Tuesday and Thursday numbers, Wednesday "mittwoch" Latin media hebdomas, Saturday "laugardagur" bathing day, friday is the fasting day like the other Scandinavian days: föstudag is ".
We do not give place because Arabic day names are made out of numbers except Friday. Other Islamic countries, like Malay language, have adopted Arabic days. For example, the names of the days of Yoruba are "ojo aiku", "ojo aje", "ojo isegum" ... the day of immortality, the day of destiny, the day of victory, the day of confusion, the day of creation, Yoruba cada is used with translation / comment or alintly (market "ojo" name holiday or Thursday monde, tosde, thursday), while names taken from Arabic are used with phonetic change (jimoo, friday, alaruba, wednesday, fourth day, yevmüterbia). Turkish, French and English day names are:

Monday: Persian bazar and Turkish erte. French lundi, English monday, Latin luna, English "moon" from moon day.

Tuesday: Arabic in three meanings "salis". French mardi, Mars day. English tuesday, Iceland war god Tyr's counterpart Tiu / Tiv's day.

Wednesday: Persian suicide fourth and shame day. French mrrcre-di, the day of Mercury. English wednesday, Tiu's father Odin / Voden's day

Thursday: Farsi pence from the bottom. French jeweler, Jupiter's day, English thursday, god Thor's day.

Friday: Arabic "cem", the day of assembly. French vendredi, Venus day. English friday, Frigg's day of Odin's wife.

Saturday: French saint, Latin sabbati dies, Sebt day, English saturday, Saturn day.

Sunday: Persian bazar. French dimanche, God's day, English sunday, sun day.

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