in #esteem6 years ago (edited)

Today we shall be looking at some of our top Paperwork take time to read.
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Fidelis O. Ajibade
Federal University Of Technology Akure,Nigeria, Civil Engineering, Faculty Member
Estimation of Sustainable Irrigation Water Requirement for Soybean Using Penman-Monteith Model in Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria

The estimation of a dependable crop water requirement is a necessity for sustainable and effective irrigation application. The estimation of crop water requirements of soybean was carried out based on twenty-one years meteorological data at Abeokuta using Penman– Monteith model. The results obtained showed that the monthly crop reference evapotranspiration (ET o) varied from 96.90 to 165.23 mm/month. The highest crop evapotranspiration (ET c) value of 121.38 mm/month was observed in the month of October while the lowest ETc value of 32.75 mm/month was observed in the month of November. The...

Hans Dieleman

Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México, Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, Faculty Member
Urban Agriculture in Mexico City, balancing between ecological, economic, social and symbolic value

The article presents urban agriculture as a practice that is gaining attention in many cities worldwide, and focuses in particular on the experiences in Mexico City. It first gives a general description of urban agriculture, introduces some conceptual dimensions and presents a policy framework to stimulate agriculture in cities worldwide. It then discusses current practices in the periurban, suburban and interurban parts of Mexico City, and analyses them in terms of their economic, ecological, social and symbolic dimension.

Giuseppe Feola

Utrecht University, Environmental Governance, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty Member
Overcoming undesirable resilience in the global food system

The current configuration of our global food system is undermining many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), leading to calls for major food system reform and transformation. Concurrently, other science–policy and business initiatives call for a food system more resilient to economic and environmental shocks, for example, by improving the economic resilience of current supply chains. Prioritization of short-term security to a subset of vested interests, however, can undermine the resilience of longer term beneficial outcomes for society. Here we advocate a more inclusive and...

Fenner Stewart

University of Calgary, Faculty of Law, Faculty Member
Innovation in Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream Processes: Smart Contracts, Big Data, and Field Notes on the Future of the Future of the Oil and Gas Industry

Oil and gas companies are experiencing innovation fatigue, as the industry has endured sustained disruption for more than twenty years. Hydraulic fracturing, smart fields, big data, the internet of things, and artificial intelligence have created – and are creating – new capacities, but also manufacturing new risks. These technologies are simultaneously demanding focused risk management on a number of new fronts as they recursively transform the business landscape. This article argues that blockchain can help govern these innovations by amplifying company capacity to manage risk. After...

David McRobert

York University, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Adjunct
Request for Designation for Federal Environmental Assessment – Northern Pulp Effluent Treatment Facility

Prevent Cancer Now is writing to request the designation of the proposed Northern Pulp Mill renovations for a federal Regional Environmental Assessment. Although toxic air emissions are reported to have affected local residents for decades, we are writing specifically regarding the new Effluent Treatment Project proposal to close the Boat Harbour containment facility and to discharge 70-90 million litres per day of warm effluent, contaminated with toxic and persistent substances, via a new pipeline directly to the rich marine environment on the bed of the Northumberland Strait. Prevent...

moshe schwartz

Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Institutes for Desert Studies, Emeritus
Physical development in an ecologically sensitive area. The planning of the Dead Sea Region

Both basins of the Dead Sea (DS) have been deeply damaged in the last 50 years by anthropogenic intrusion in its water balance. The northern basin is receding, together with the fresh water aquifers along its shores. This has led to the formation of sinkholes, subsidence areas and landslides, affecting wide coastal segments, and bringing development to a halt along the western DS shore. In the southern basin, the water level is rising, threatening the tourist-hotel area lying on its shores. This overview of planning and decision making in the last four decades shows that environmental...

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