Dr. Steven Greer in a recent, stunning interview by Mike Adams aka. the Health Ranger

in #ufo7 years ago

With a transcript made by myself and cutting edge technology.

This transcript really didn't take a lot of time because:

  • A: YouTube transcribes 95% correctly
  • B: This project will actually makes a sentence structure

Nevertheless you have to correct some misspellings and flaky punctuation sometimes. Machine Learning and Artificial Inteligence, which are really sides of the same coin, are a relativly new and very interesting field of technology.

With videos and podcast being hours long, you could easily make chapters or subtitles so people can read along and jump to relevant sections

Much of it can be automated and if it is text it is far easier to translate too. Quotes are readily available. Look for yourself and judge if you'd want to use it for your own project.

Steem and other chains will be offering decentralized jobs to the many many people over the world. Many of which live in poverity and need acces to decentralized technology like @bitpay or @topsol. All of which spoke on the Whaletank and which I have transcribed. And others like @chuckyfucky have translated or can translate for you.

I further believe since cryptocurrencies are not patentable or have not been patented by the powers-that-be, they cannot impose any tax on us since we are:

  • not using their currency (remember they don't offer money, it is not backed by anything anymore)
  • sovereign i.e. we don't use our artificially created personhood. We do not use our name in ALL CAPS (take a look at your financial correspondence).

All this I wrote about in my blog.

So go watch, read or listen to this interview. It is amazing. And has some really memorable quotes, especially at the end. We have in fact the answer for them! We have a decentralized social media blockchain which cannot be censored, (TBH if you don't count the centralization of the big whales here).


(Natural News) As part of our ongoing effort to explore our universe and seek answers to really big questions, we recently interviewed Dr. Steven Greer, M.D.

Dr. Greer, a prominent UFO researcher and emergency room physician, founder of Sirius Disclosure and creator of the popular new documentary Unacknowledged, explains that he believes many so-called “UFO sightings” are actually sightings of human-made aircraft, and that super secret groups exist inside the U.S. government which plan to stage a faked, “false flag” alien invasion attack in order to roll out globalist government that tramples individual human liberties forever.

Whether or not you agree with his analysis, Dr. Greer is an intriguing and highly intelligent individual who has uncovered an astonishing wealth of evidence to support his explanations. While the mainstream media enjoys mocking anyone who asks questions “outside the box,” Dr. Greer is an individual who deserves your attention. His book, Unacknowledged, is also available on Amazon.com.

I spoke with Dr. Greer about “cosmic false flags” and much more in the video below. As you’ll hear toward the end of the video, I also offered to volunteer my laboratory testing services for any exotic materials or unknown substances he might encounter.

Watch and share everywhere:




Mike Adams: Thank you for joining me today, dr. Greer, thank you and for those joining us who, I mean many people are very much aware of your work, your new film, your new book, but for those who aren't, can you just give a brief background of that? This is phenomenal work, you're doing right now.

Steven Greer: Well unacknowledged is the name of the film and the book, and it comes from the first word in a level of classification in top secret project, known as unacknowledged special access projects or use apps and use apps, or the crown jewel of secret Covert programs, not all of which, but some of which deal with interstellar, UFO and related so-called zero-point energy and free energy technologies. So this film is sort of an expose, as is the book, a more thorough treatment than the film. Even of that I mean that the film has been number one on iTunes for most of the time since May, from now, and it's now the top one or two on Netflix and people are very interested in this.

Because what we tried to do in the film is not preach to you, you know the echo chamber of people interested in UFOs and all that conspiracy stuff, but really get to what a not a conspiracy theory is about this, for what are the facts. So the book and the documentary focus on military witnesses, Whistleblowers inside the Air Force, corporate Aerospace sources that deal with this issue, so it has a provenance and it has evidence for it.

That's solid and that's that was really our objective, so that the man on the street, who really knows very little about this issue, could go to the film or the book and really get brought up to speed about it.

Mike Adams: Now, as you show in your film, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence to support many many of these positions that they are explaining and revealing, and yet, despite the evidence, you know the remains, of course a tremendous amount of I wouldn't even say skepticism. I would say dogmatic denial of reality.

Steven Greer: Well, it's interesting. We've actually won the war but lost the battle. Let me tell you what I mean when I first started. I'Ve been I'm a trauma doctor emergency doctor by training. I left medicine to deal with this some years ago and back in 2001 about 16 years ago this past May we had a National Press Club of in Washington where the first 22 of over 100 military and intelligence whistleblowers came forward. Now that event was seen by hundreds of millions of people all over the world, but the intelligence community globally and in the u.s. particularly reached out to the big median said: don't do follow up on this. Yes, all right now, this we can prove now. Interestingly, what that means is that when we started this effort, maybe 25 to 30 % of the public about UFOs were real and the government some secret. Now it's up from near 60 %, 43 percent of the public thinks we're currently being visited by interstellar civilizations, which we are so. This is something where we've in a sense won the war, but the the Battle of conventional wisdom and the media that we haven't won because, contrary to what people believe - and I think that one of the this is a central point of anyone listening right now, I couldn't have said this on May 9th, when the film came out, I can say it here in September of 2017 that one of the central tenants of the film is that the military and intelligence community have folks in the major media who will spike or kill stories Related to this now, no less a figure than a man who, for almost a decade, was a senior Air Force Office of Special Investigations. A counterintelligence official

Mike Adams: Doty?

Steven Greer: Richard Doty in the movie States point-blank that he used to carry bags of posh to people in regional, local and national media.

Mike Adams: Oh that's right! All right!

Steven Greer: Yes to alter stories to stop it from being covered whatever. Now we also have Daniel Sheehan is a constitutional attorney. He did the Pentagon Papers a Silkwood case, the kerr-mcgee cases, so quoting the movie he's been our constitutional attorney since a1.

He was involved in a project where he saw a document where there were 42 different people on the payroll of the CIA, who were senior editor, particularly national security people in the media around the world, and this isn't a conspiracy theory. This is a fact.

So the idea that we have a free press, we have a fake free press. We have a pseudo free media.

You can cover the blue stain on the dress for Hillary Clinton. You cannot cover this subject.

It will be absolutely stopped now when, when the movie makes this not just my opinion, but people who were on the inside and who actually outrageously, if you look at that clip, if you look at the whole Doty interview which is available on our website, siriusdisclosure.com, you'll see that he goes into some depth about the fact that

Mike Adams: Oh yeah.

Steven Greer: this was a routine thing that we did and it's still going on now. The proof of it is that unacknowledged. Well in when was the last time an crowdfunded film, crowd funded by the public, which is the second largest crowdfunding of film in history? That in itself is newsworthy! Then becomes the number one movie on iTunes. For weeks and weeks and weeks, almost no rockets to the top of Netflix.

No major eat media entity will do a story, no major interviews in the national media. This proves the point that's made in the film that this is part of quote the cover-up, that the corruption of the media is rampant and outrageous.

And forget the whole UFO and the fact that we have technologies that could get us off oil and gas and Coal, which we do, just locked in a black box, and these use that idea that our democracy and our republic has been completely undermined by these fascists.

Anyone should be concerned about now. Most people have their heads in the sand. What we're trying to do is pull people's head out. Have them look around now. You talk about the FDA and the CDC, and all these things those would be like the minor cover-ups, the crown jewel, the cover-ups. The disclosure of this information number one that we're not alone in the universe, which 70 % of the public believe that, but that we've been visited, that we have acquired technologies that we've studied from, but not only human research, starting back in the 20s and teens of The 20th century, but also from studying extraterrestrial vehicles that we've downed using electronic weapons and and reverse engineered that those technologies have been fully studied and have been reproduced and we're fully operational by October 1954, so they've stolen our our future they've stolen hijacked it well. I call it it's the lost century. Yes, we could be living in greater abundance in perfect health over unity, energy. This documentary and book prove they exist, would completely upend the power structure and those folks don't want it upended. They want to maintain the hegemony of the petrodollar centralized economic system. I call it the slave system that were actually the slaves living on someone's plantation. It'S just not acknowledged anymore, so the the alteration of the macroeconomic order into something of this. This big of a change would mean that every man, woman and child village around the world would be energy self-sufficient,

Mike Adams: Right,

Steven Greer: agriculturally self-sufficient,

Mike Adams: You're talking about the mass decentralization

Steven Greer: Right

Mike Adams: of technology, putting into the hands

Steven Greer: Right

Mike Adams: people all over the world, and yet what we are witnessing today, with the media, consolidation of power, economic consolidation of power and so on, is the centralization or the monopolization of right and the powers and that be are now succeeding through Google, Facebook, the NSA fronts they're succeeding now in dominating, not just the economies of the world, but the very narratives, the ideas. What you can debate about or what you will be caught saying you know searching on Google or using email.

Steven Greer: right.

Mike Adams: So how do we now? Is there a way that humanity can overcome that?

Steven Greer: Oh sure.

Mike Adams: How we do that?

Steven Greer: So I'm an emergency doctor and we do something called triage okay. So for me, as a doctor, looking at the triage, what we have to do this is the top of the list is:

to disclose this information, bring out the technologies that are and put them into peaceful energy generation and completely transform the planet.

It's eminently doable, but it can't be done by one man or two or three we're gon na have to get a lot of people involved and we're gon na have to get some people who are also gon na walk the talk financially, you find there are all These sort of pseudo fixes for the environment trillions going into solar and wind farms notice those four centralized utilities

Mike Adams: Right.

Steven Greer: and GE, and all these big corporations no one's, putting any funding into the actual solution,

Mike Adams: Of course not.

Steven Greer: Because that would upset the whole that whole structure.

Mike Adams: It's like there's no funding going into actual cancer cures, sure they need cancer to continue the cancer industry

Steven Greer: Right.

Mike Adams: and the more we pollute the planet, the more people get cancer.

Steven Greer: Like it's like whack-a-mole essentially,

Mike Adams: But it seems to be their system.

Steven Greer: Only environmental way. If you look at the entire global biosphere, we're doing whack-a-mole environmentally, you know we're basically spitting in the face of a category five hurricane and it's just blowing right over us, but I mean all the solar all the wind, all the all the sort of solutions. It'S too little it's too late, and so what this movie and book are saying is:

Let's keep our eye on what the objective is, but to get there, it can't be some secret tech company in Austin or someplace doing a secret energy device. Because guess what the people who have done that have had their technology seized under national security organs,

Mike Adams: Yes patents are always seized

Steven Greer: and if you look at the movie there's a report from the Federation of American scientists, mainstream organization came out in 2010 seven years ago. That said that:

There are 5,135 patents that have been seized under national security order.

So most people who work on these technologies try to do the conventional business model, venture capital model right, a tech model and they always fail. So what I'm saying is: let's learn from history, not repeat it and let's put together a quest solution.

Now that solution is, you know we may not have the perfect. You know if you look at the movie, this Air Force intelligence officer says yeah out of one of these interstellar craft.

There was a about an 18 inch. Rectangular translucent object that you could run a wristwatch or a whole city off of that was pulling energy from the zero-point energy field and that's true.

We may not come up with that in two years, but we could come up with something that would run your house business and car, with no pollution and off the grid and no public utilities.

Mike Adams: Dr. Greer in one of your YouTube videos that we did a story about the national news. You were talking about possibility if it correct me, if I'm not paraphrasing this correctly, but a possibility that the the advanced technology that our government owns could be used to fake contact or to create theater for the purpose I believe of a mass manipulation.

Steven Greer: Sure. So between 1953 and now, that's 64 years. If you look at the 1953 document from Bedell Smith, the CIA director, it talks about the psychological value of the UFO subject.

Now this was around the time they mastered gravity control.

They had all these projects were going and they realized that the people I mean some 5 % of the public - have seen a UFO. So they figure at some point we're not going to be able to really hide the fact these are around, but we can do a psychological game where it they are either debunked and ridiculed so that no one in polite or scientific establishment will talk about it, which they were very good at discrediting and if they do they'll be considered lunatic. But if they get through that and believe it's out there. They'll think it's a threat. Alright?

So beginning in the 50s and 60s, they began hoaxing events, so the hoaxing of extraterrestrial events using things that look like a UFO made by Lockheed Martin, and my uncle worked for Northrop Grumman in these classified aerospace projects where they have these anti-gravity devices. Look like a flying, saucer they're not ET.

There are ones that are extraterrestrial, but I'm talking about the ones that are man-made and they will stage events.

And then they've started in the early days, they started getting people of very with certain deformities or with very short stature and doing like Hollywood costumes, and they would go and put these things out and they start abducting people.

Now this Air Force intelligence officer admits this that the military very deep unacknowledged, special access projects have been involved in the hoax scene and faking of contact events before their psychological warfare value. Is that what that means is to induce fear.

Mike Adams: Okay, okay

Steven Greer: and the long-term plan is Verner von braun said who the man who invented the rocket for it all features of the v2 rocket. The v2 rocket was invented by Verner von Braun, his spokeswoman for the last four or five years of his life. She a whistleblower on our team Carol Rosin. And she said:

on his deathbed, Werner von Braun, said they're going to basically hoax an alien threat to unite the world around a military junta. But in order to do that, it can't come out of the blue. They've been doing the psychological warfare preparation since the 50s and 60s.

So what I'm saying to people is that 90 plus percent of everything on this subject on the Internet in documentaries on TV is disinformation designed to sow confusion and fear that there's a threat from outer space.

Now one of the things about this - it's always so amazing to me, then it shows how little critical thinking there is in the UFO field frankly and in the new-age field as well, is that

any interstellar civilization that was hostile coming across our little planet, beginning to Detonate atomic weapons in 1945 could have shut this whole baby down in a nanosec

Mike Adams: Sure.

Steven Greer: All right,

Steven Greer: because you're talking about faster than the speed of light travel faster than the speed of light electronics, communication and weaponization. So if they wanted to actually fix that problem, it would have been point set match in 1945. They haven't and the reason these interstellar civilizations haven't is that sounds like the prime directive in Star Trek, but it is, they don't interfere unless they absolutely have to.

Just like you know, I told people the analogy that people can kind of relate to is how successful was our implementation and voicing of Jeffersonian democracy on Afghanistan after 16 years of running around in the desert? Not much so you cannot impose from an outside higher developed civilization on to a less developed civilization.

We have to evolve from within, consciously spiritually, technologically and if it's imposed from outside it will fail.

But the intelligence community has seized on the vacuum. The lack of critical research and thinking in this area to do all kinds of stage and hoax events right that scare, the hell out of people, so the average person I run into on the street, go oh yeah, but aren't you afraid of being abducted? I said well yeah, but it's not by extraterrestrials, it's a covert cell running out of Kirkland Air Force Base or out of Nellis or one of these Air Force bases in a man-made anti-gravity device using these things that look like aliens but they're not et so this Is that this is that whole narrative was concocted by the intelligence community and the public. You know the movie alien, the the science fiction crowd, the Hollywood crowd. The UFO public and the general populace have swallowed that fake stuff hook line and sinker. One of the things we try to do in this documentary is to pull the curtain back on this fraud.

Mike Adams: If these extraterrestrial or advanced civilizations are observing us, do you believe that they would or that perhaps they already have intervened when we take such disastrous steps, such as launching nuclear weapons that would devastate the planet itself? In other words, is there a point of intervention that we have crossed or we might cross?

Steven Greer: Well, this is a very difficult thing to talk about, but what you'll see is that, beginning in the in the 40s and 50s, there was a presence, overflight, presence and reconnaissance presence of every single atomic and nuclear weapons facility everywhere, not just in the US, but also in France, Great Britain, Russia, etc.

So obviously they're very concerned about that, but they're not going to just go and shut them all down. They have demonstrated they can. One of the famous cases we exposed was the Minot North Dakota Strategic Air Command, where there were somewhere between 18 and 21 intercontinental ballistic missile silos were taken offline and rinche rendered unlaunchable the same morning, because there was an ET craft out there, basically showing you know. If you guys launched all these, this is in the darkest days of the Cold War. We can sort of stop that, but I think that people are mistaken. They they conflate.

Those events with the idea that somehow Big Brother is from space is going to fix all our problems. No, they were just sending a signal up through the national security system that, if you go to mutual assured destruction, there could be an intervention. Because we really don't want you destroying this beautiful planet. I mean their message was "please don't destroy"...

In fact, one of the captains who was there Air Force captain said the feeling he got from that event was that the ETS were trying to say: please don't destroy this beautiful planet. But if you go that far we could intervene.

Now, people say then why didn't they intervene in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I said those were terrible lost hundreds of thousands of lives. It wasn't something that would be an extinction-level event.

Mike Adams: Those weren't thermonuclear,

Steven Greer: The fact of the matter is these interstellar civilizations aren't going to come in and try to get involved in these things. They want us to fix it. They want us to fix our planet right, so we're a peaceful, then they're gonna welcome us in space. They want to fix our environment and they know we have the technologies they. They want us to do we're the children of Earth and we have the primary responsibility, not somebody out there in interstellar space.

So now, they're observing us in case things go very badly wrong and, let's hope they don't. But in the meanwhile I'd say: let's not sit on our hands.

Let's actually do this and make this change. This whole transformation to a new era on this planet happened. We can do it.

Mike Adams: How do you stay on course with your determination and your you know, you have to have a lot of courage to speak out in that way. You and I are similar, although our topic focus is different. You know we're both ridiculed in the media, but we both have a scientific background. And we both present a lot of evidence on the issues that we focus on. Yet you know you're attacked all the time. Do you are people just waking up and knowing that's nonsense? They know that the fake news is fake; now?

Steven Greer:They do. What's interesting is that you know Congress has what a 15 percent approval rating?

Mike Adams: Yeah

Steven Greer: The media has a lower one. The only the only thing with less esteem than the Congress is the media. Everyone knows it's all nonsense and no one trusts them and as well. They should not be trusted so they're. Turning to other places - and this is why there's such an appetite when we put this film out - I mean remember - this - is not a big Hollywood blockbuster film, where you put fifty to a hundred million dollars in advertising.

Mike Adams: What was your budget on the film you know?

Steven Greer: I mean the budget on the film was about five hundred thousand

Mike Adams: Wow

Steven Greer: and we did the whole movie for that. There was maybe 50,000 or so put into what's called prints and advertising, and it was number one. I mean it was beating out hundred million dollar films on iTunes and Netflix.

And I tell people this shows the power of democracy and the the bright side of this Internet era is that we can do that now when we couldn't have done that 10 or 15 years ago.

So I'd say: let's use the tools that are out there to our advantage. While we can - and let's go to this next step, where we put together a healing program for the planet - okay, health and healing for gaia all right - And that's the next big thing that we have to achieve it's going to be harder than the informational educational effort we're involved with. Because now you're talking with hard technologies and there are very powerful interests that do not want technologies to come out that would terminate the oil industry okay?

So we have to figure out a strategy that would frustrate their tactical and strategic efforts. Now, that's why I tell people. You know I've come up with this new earth: energy incubator. You know, Google has an incubator apple. They all have an incubator funds to do kind of out there, research cutting-edge.

We need something for the planet and for humanity. That's an incubator, research and development effort and that's what I think we have to find the support to do.

And we need to find a few enlightened people or a whole lot of people to put the backing into that and get that up and stood up properly.

But our view of it is that it has to be something where, from the moment, it's announced to the time you release the technology, it's all open source.

Mike Adams: That's right! I completely agree,

Steven Greer: and it's not secret and also it's live streamed, so the laboratory workstations are literally online in real time so that people see what's going on. There's no total transparency. You know nothing held back because when people keep something secret for as long as a month, in that 30 day period, that's why I call the kill box where these petro nazis come in confiscate your device, sometimes assassinate the people who have them do all kinds of things.

So you have to do this with the whole world watching.

Mike Adams: well put us on the disclosure node list. I mean we can be a mirror broadcast

Steven Greer: Exactly. It could be a box they're just showing what's going on

Mike Adams: Yeah

Steven Greer: and then the instant we would have a breakthrough, but first we have to find the funding.

You know this is not like developing an app where you can have some guy in his flip-flops and pajamas sitting in his basement. This is a serious physics: okay, you're talking about high-energy physics, where you're creating a what's called a pointing vector into this infinite energy field, and you better know what you're doing all right. You need really specialized equipment. You need scientist physicists, you know people who are materials, managers who know specialized materials. You need all these people working together in a laboratory.

So the stand that thing up is going to be tens of millions to maybe 100 million

Mike Adams: Sure,

Steven Greer: But, like I said, we just had a boxing match. We'Re not counting the promoter. The two-people boxing got 400 million.

Mike Adams: Yeah.

Steven Greer: So you don't tell me that our society can't do this. We can, but unfortunately most people don't understand what is at the core of the secrecy on the UFO subject.

And the reason it's ridiculed so soundly and and and so expertly, and these people know what they're doing the psychological warfare people or they really know how to discredit people.

That whole secrecy is because there protecting this crown jewel of technology, that these petro fascists don't want out.

Mike Adams: I like that term. Let me offer this

Steven Greer: Yeah.

Mike Adams: We have a privately funded, a very advanced analytical laboratory. We have. We do icp-ms mass spec, instrumentation time of flight instrumentation this one most labs won't touch the kinds of artifacts and soil samples and things that you want tested. Our lab is ISO accredited internationally recognized I'll test anything you want for free.

Steven Greer: Oh great.

Mike Adams: every every element that we can test, including isotopic ratios. We can look at the ratios of different isotopes but of course, no radioactive things. Please, we don't need that, but everything at all will test and it's right here in Central Texas. So let me offer that it's available to your team.

Steven Greer: Could be useful.

Mike Adams: Absolutely looking at composition of some unknown object

Steven Greer: Yeah easily, something like that comes across my desk sometimes, yeah.

Mike Adams: Yeah. We find there's a tremendous amount of censorship in science, yet the only allowable science has all these very narrow categories

Steven Greer: Right.

Mike Adams: What would you say to people who maybe are intrigued by science and they maybe they want to go into the sciences, but they also want to be part of the solution. The big picture solution. They don't want to be part of this cabal of disinformation?

Steven Greer:

Well, I think people who have that inclination need to organize and it's all networking.

I mean the way that I've gone from an emergency doctor to now someone who's getting this information out to tens of millions of people, it's all grassroots.

So we need to find people who are going to actually support serious, no pun intended research and development in these areas of energy generation.

And I think that anyone interested in that area they can study it, but they cannot do it alone. Here's a cautionary tale.

People who think they're going to sit in their garage or basement and do this if anyone listening has a device like this, that they're working on or one that's operational, that they think they're going to take on the normal technology pathway. They need to get hold of us yesterday.

And will then launch it, but they have them and we have people look. You know we. We have people who can make them whole if they have something operational,

Mike Adams: And if the don't, they can end up being gone.

Steven Greer:

Well, we there's a whole team of people who had purchased the estate of Stan Meyer that had a water fuel car and what people don't know is that he had a toroid. It looked like a donut that was a zero point, free energy system.

Mike Adams: Oh really?

Steven Greer: that had a national security order on it. Our team went there and saw it now. There was a group in Michigan that outbid us an engineering group and it disappeared to a black hole. They did it secretively next thing. I know their chief funder calls me up and says they're all running for their lives. Last I heard they've all been assassinated and all that technology is gone. So that's all recent. This is all in the last 5-10 years.

Steven Greer: So I tell people you have to understand what you're dealing with here. This is not like inventing an iPhone or something you're dealing with something that's making an end run at the entire global elites system.

Much more so than Big Pharma, much more so than medical stuff. That you deal with it's it's orders of magnitude. Beyond that, it's hundreds of trillions of dollars, so I think that people working in this area need to know what they're dealing with, because otherwise they think that oh well, I've invented this thing.

One of the sad things I've observed over the last twenty seven years of doing this is how many people have developed. These devices have tried to do the usual business and strategic or venture capital and distribution plan and they've all vanished, every single one of them.

So if someone does have one of these, where they are working on something like this, please have contact us and let us put it on a trajectory that will get it out to the public, and you know if people have invested to get a certain point. We have folks on my team now that can make them whole frankly, if they can prove it right, but here's what they got to do.

It's got to be testable, reproduce, reproduce all right and transparent, and they have to agree we than open source release of it.

Absolutely all right, and if not, I won't even talk to them. Yeah yeah I've spent almost a million dollars of our funds going around the world with people who are brilliant scientifically, but they have no strategic knowledge and every one of them have failed. So they're. You know I mean I have personally briefed CIA directors and people on the Senate, Intelligence Committee, generals and admirals at the Pentagon in every one of these cases. What I've found is that, when you're dealing with an unacknowledged special access project now and truly unacknowledged you're in it's like really a different universe and people dealing with these technologies have to understand. That'S what they're dealing with and frankly, you know I've been threatened plenty of times over the years.

I've had three people I've worked with on my team assassinated. And you know: there's a former CIA director who was gonna hand off one of these devices to us and around 50 million dollars and sort of seed money. So we could get it out who the week he was gon na meet with a member of my board. They found him floating down the Potomac River, absolutely true.

Bill Colby everyone thinks it was an accident or he committed suicide. No, his best friend came to me and said he was taken out: wet works, it's called wet works assassination team. But so again he was trying to do it clandestinely, and I said no.

We have to do this with the whole world watching. Now back in the 90s, when that happened, we didn't have Facebook and Twitter and this and that and all the streaming capabilities now we do.

We have the tools now that we didn't have 10 years ago. So I tell people: let's use them to our advantage, this time,

Mike Adams: peer-to-peer news distribution, it doesn't go through

Steven Greer: Exactly.

Facebook all right. Lastly, to wrap this up. I just want to, I want to acknowledge you and your work and thank you for what you're doing.

Steven Greer: Oh. Thank you.

Mike Adams: I want you to let you know that myself and you know millions of people who will eventually watch this really appreciate you sticking to your beliefs and not not being one of those who gives in compromise as it gets bribed gets silenced because those people don't matter. It'S people like you who stick to your guns, who really change the world. So thank you.

Steven Greer: Thank you.

And you have to you have to have that kind of vision. And people tell me what makes you tick? I so I have a vision where I can see past the current state of the world to a planet that is at peace, has no poverty, the environments pristine but high-tech but decentralized completely decentralized. That is doable today. And so that's a beautiful world that we could have and then then we can go interstellar.

Mike Adams: Support our films for Humanity, visit Health Ranger store.com, the cleanest lab, verified health products in the world.


very nice This publication is very useful

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Thanks :-)

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