in #life7 years ago

How to become the all time master of BLACK FRIDAY

I'll tell you all about it, but we’ve got to keep this between us ok !!:D

Rule #1
So the first rule of Black Friday, is to be prepared, to be prepared you've got to put your work belt on and start doing research on everything, go to websites of the store hosting a black friday and go look at everything else related, you want to be able to walk into that shop and know where everything is and be the first to get it.

Rule #2
Compare the prices of everything you want, I mean, if you can get something that is much better than the thing you want, and it costs the same, why not get it?? Lets say you want to get a big stereo system, and there is a way bigger way better one, that costs the exact same, which one are you gonna get, I can firmly answer that question for you, the bigger better one…

Rule #3
Make sure that your items are in stock, you don't want to spend all your petrol on driving to a big store across the town, just to get there and realize that there’s no stock, oh and you always wanna be early to these types of things, just so that you don't miss out on anything.

Rule #4
Probably the most important thing, create a budget, you don’t want to get to the shop and see things that are over your budget and flatten out your wallet, go and create a budget according to your research and STICK TO IT.

Rule #5
Buy things that you can actually use, lets say you go and buy an AWESOME HUGE 4K TV, and there goes all your budget, you don't have anything to play to it, let alone even an hdmi cable, you need to buy things that are worth it and not over your budget.

This was 5 simple rules for you to become the master of BLACK FRIDAY, be sure to stay tuned for more FUN FRIDAY segments by [following me and upvoting this post :p](

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