in #pharmaceutical7 years ago (edited)

Why Animals Don't Get Heart Attacks
... But People Do!

Updated Edition Includes Dr. Rath's
Landmark Lecture At Stanford University

Matthias Rath, M.D., a world-renowned physician and scientist, is known for his pioneering research in natural and cellular health. This book summarizes his breakthrough discoveries, which will lead to the eradication of cardiovascular disease. Two-time Nobel Laureate Dr. Linus Pauling told Dr. Rath: “Your discoveries are so important for millions of people that they threaten entire industries. One day there may even be wars just to prevent this breakthrough from being widely accepted. This is the time when you need to stand up!”

Dr. Rath (right) with his friend and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Pauling shortly before the death of the Nobel Laureate in 1994.

This book documents one of the most significant medical breakthroughs ever made in human health. The magnitude of Dr. Rath’s breakthrough has given him the courage to challenge the largest investment industry on earth – the pharmaceutical industry and its trillion dollar “business with disease.” This book also answers some of today's most burning political questions:

Why does the current 400 billion dollar “prescription drug benefit” only cover symptom-oriented, patentable pharmaceutical drugs with harmful side effects – but rejects coverage of effective, safe and affordable natural therapies?

Why has there been a sustained international effort on behalf of global drug companies to outlaw natural, non-patentable natural therapies worldwide by abusing the United Nation’s “Codex Alimentarius Commission”?

Why is the US administration attempting to reverse one of the greatest civil liberties achieved by the American people in past decades – the right to free access to natural health as guaranteed by the DSHEA Act of 1994?

The continued existence of the pharmaceutical industry depends on its suppression of the medical discoveries documented in "Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks – But People Do!" If we, the people of the world, want to end the pharmaceutical “business with disease,” we must take advantage of the powerful discoveries contained in this book and help others to do the same by sharing this information. In this way, we will help save millions of lives and billions of dollars in health care costs.

Dr. Rath will donate the proceeds of the sales of this book to the DR. RATH HEALTH FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization dedicated to natural health education and the mission to make free health choices a human right worldwide.

Written by Dr. Mathias Rath M.D.

This book summarizes the medical breakthrough in the area of cellular nutrients and health.

Animals don’t get heart attacks because they produce large amounts of vitamin C in their bodies.Vitamin C optimizes the production of collagen and other reinforcement molecules ,thereby stabilizing the walls of the arteries and preventing atherosclerotic deposits, heart attacks and strokes. We human beings cannot manufacture a single molecule of vitamin C and in addition, almost everyone gets too few from the diet. The inevitable consequence of this is a weakening of the artery walls, which triggers artery wall deposits (atherosclerosis). Thus, chronic vitamins deficiency - Not high cholesterol - is the main cause of the cardiovascular disease epidemic.

The discoveries documented in this book have led to the world’s leading cardiovascular health program: Dr. Rath’s Cellular Health recommendations include a selection of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acids and other essential nutrients used in combination with a healthy lifestyle. These micro nutrients provide essential bio-energy for millions of cells composing the cardiovascular system. This essential nutrient program was developed as a daily supplement for men and women of any age to protect the heart and blood vessel system in a natural way. Millions of people worldwide are already following this program for prevention and adjunct therapy. This book documents the profound health benefits of this program in even the most severe health conditions, such as angina pectoris, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, diabetes, high blood pressure, post heart attack and many others.

Some Conspiracy! Health Care!
This book has unmasked the pharmaceutical industry as an investment industry conducting a trillion dollar “Business with Disease”: The annual market for cardiovascular prescription drugs in the United States alone surpasses 100 billion dollars. However, these drugs – including beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, calcium blockers, cholesterol lowering drugs and many others – merely cover symptoms; they do not target the cellular root cause of the disease. This is neither a surprise nor a coincidence. It is simple fact that the pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry; its marketplace is the diseases in your body, and the future of this industry depends on the continuation of these diseases. Prevention, root cause, cure and above all, the eradication of diseases threaten the giant financial interest behind this industry.

The discovery that certain micro-nutrients can prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases at the cellular level poses a fundamental threat to the core of the entire pharmaceutical investment business. Unable to fight the scientific truth of the new discoveries and the fact that animals don’t get heart attacks because they make their own vitamin C, the pharmaceutical companies have embarked on a worldwide effort to block the spread of this information. Toward this end, the pharmaceutical lobbyists are even abusing the national and international legislative bodies, including the United Nations’ “ Codex Alimentarius (Food Standards) commission”. Their unethical goal is to outlaw all health statements in relation to natural , non-patentable therapies for all member countries of the United Nations, or worldwide.

This book introduces an entirely new understanding of health and disease, which will enable people to take responsibility for their own bodies and health. This book has become the foundation of a new healthcare system based on the following principles:

1 Natural health education for people will replace the unhealthy dependence on pharmaceutical medicine.

2 Children will learn in kindergarten and other grades that their bodies do not produce vitamin C and other
key nutrients, which they need to supplement for a healthy life.

3 Everyone will understand that health and disease are determined, not at the level of of organs, but at the level of millions of cells composing the body.

4 Every living room will become a consulting center for Cellular Health Information.

5 The priority of the new health care system is the natural prevention and eradication of diseases.
6 Effective, safe and affordable natural therapies will eliminate the trillion dollar, symptom-oriented pharmaceutical “Business with Diseases”.

7 Patient-oriented and community-based healthcare will improve health, extend life expectancy and reduce the need for expensive interventional medicine.

8 Medical researches focused on the prevention and eradication of diseases will replace drug research driven by market shares and shareholder interests.


As you will read about the remarkable health benefits of vitamins throughout this book, you may have asked yourself: “Why is this lifesaving information not used by every doctor and even in hospital?” Why is it not covered on every TV and Radio channels and on the front pages of newspapers? Why did we not learn about this in kindergarten?

There is an entire industry with an innate economic interest to obstruct, suppress and discredit any information about the natural eradication of diseases. The pharmaceutical industry makes over one trillion dollars from selling drugs for ongoing diseases. These drugs may relieve symptoms, but they do not cure. The mission is to make money from ongoing diseases. The cure or eradication of diseases will lead to the collapse of the trillion dollar market of pharmaceuticals.
Now you will understand why we are bombarded with advertising campaigns by pharmaceutical companies wanting to make us believe that they are: searching for cures,” “striving for the eradication of diseases,” “increasing life expectancy”, and other false promise.

With these deceptive statements, they have for decades been able to disguise the true nature of its business- maximum profit from ongoing diseases.


The book introduces the scientific concept cellular medicine, which marks a new era in health care. It is based on a new understanding of health and disease. Health and disease in our bodies and organs are determined by the functioning of millions of cells. Optimum cell functioning is a precondition for health. In contrast, cellular malfunction causes disease.

The primary and by far the most frequent cause of the malfunctioning of cells is a chronic deficiency of essential cellular nutrients, particularly vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements. These cellular nutrients are needed for a multitude of biochemical reactions and other cellular functions taking place in every single cells of our bodies. Chronic deficiencies of one or more of these essential nutrients, therefore must lead to cellular malfunctioning and disease.

Cellular Medicine can also explains why cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in many countries. The circulatory system is mechanically the most active organ in our bodies because of the continuous pumping function of the heart and pulsatile blood flow through the arteries. Because of this high mechanical stress, the cells of the cardiovascular system have a high rate of consumption of vitamins and other essential nutrients.

Cellular Medicine defines an optimum daily intake of specific micronutrients as a basic preventive and therapeutic measure for cardiovascular disease, as well as for many other health conditions.

Downloading of this book for private use and official government purposes is permitted and encouraged. Commercial use is protected by international copy right and translation, reprinting and electronic or other means of reproduction of the book or any part thereof requires the authorization of the publisher.

Contact: MR Publishing, [email protected]
Copyright: Matthias Rath, M.D.

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