Life inside the Ark

in #life7 years ago

I feel the heat on my skin as I open my eyes I notice I am no longer in the comfort of my own home I was on a beach everything seemed blurry at first my arm itches no cloths no home nothing just me lay on my back in the sand I can hear noises in the distance noises I have never heard before as I stand up I look at my arm to notice a small diamond shape implanted there it has a red light inside I have no idea what this strange object Is or how it got there. My vison starts to clear up the heat is getting hotter by the position of the sun its around midday I look to the sky and see a strange tower like thing in the far distance. I realise I need to survive I started by grabbing stones from the beach and gathering wood from the trees using the stone wood and thatch I got from the trees I make myself a basic looking pickaxe to get some flint so I am able to make a camp fire because once night time hits it will start to get cold. As daylight starts to fade and the darkness falls upon me I make my camp fire on the beach but I am starting to get hungry now without food around I don’t know how long I can make it. It’s not fully night time yet I can see a chicken like thing in the distance but its way to big to be a chicken its more like the extinct bird the dodo I decided to go without food for the night. In the morning, I decided food will be something I need so off I set along the beach in a search for a civilization. I ran down the beach feeling the warm sand against my feet listening to all the strange sounds in the distance wondering what they could be. Before I give up the search for people I stumbled across what looked the be a small thatch hut the door was missing I decided to go take a look and see if anyone was home. I slowly approached the hut soon to realise no one was home at this point I had stumbled across many scary things, things that looked like more extinct creatures this was such a strange place to be almost as if id travelled back In time but kept the same modern day technology I decided the thatch hut would be where I took shelter over night.

Days have past I had made myself come cloths from fibre I gathered from bushes and plants I found I also made a spear so now its time to find myself something to eat maybe I could kill one of them bird things I found and eat its meat I set out with my spear and was ready to hunt for food I forgot to mention I had built myself a small thatch hut to keep a bed made from thatch and fibre and a campfire. I see it in the distance one of them birds as I got close it shown no interest in me but when I looked at it I saw some yellow writing telling me what the creature was it was a dodo maybe that’s what the diamond thing in my arm does maybe it tells me about stuff wherever I am. Spear sharped I pushed it through the head of the dodo and skinned it for some hide and meat I went back to my hut and cooked the meat finally I had some food after several days I finally had food. I knew I was the only person on this island place I had found many abandoned huts all looked like that had been burnt or eaten by something dangerous and big. I had also seen some gates on my adventures I didn’t want to go close as they looked as if I wasn’t ready to be anywhere able to go close without being killed anyway I guess this is going to have to be a true test to my survival skills. After many more days of eating dodos and drinking sea water I had made myself a small stone hut I felt proud I had cloths made from hide I was starting to feel safe. Even more days had passed I discovered more creatures it looks like I am on some form of dinosaur island or something. Its been around 20 Days now my stone hut has got much bigger and I even made spike walls to keep any bad things away but what I didn’t know was my whole outlook was about to change. I geared up ready to go hunting to get more food as I was running low but was I opened my door to see a wyvern like creature with a small little man mounted on top of it as if it was his pet he jumped down geared up from head to toe in full metal armour he asked me to join his tribe I accepted in a home it would help me get home.

Days had past since joining this tribe he had took me back this this gated off community full of dinosaurs with saddles and people riding them I was eating high quality food in this base where everything was safe and everyone was friendly little did I know we wasn’t the only tribe on this island. The leader called us all for a meeting after discussing the rules of the tribe and what people need to do he told everyone they had to make guns and weapons because war may be upon us. Of course I was scared at first but I did as I was told and geared ready for war by time a few days had passed I have a whole arsenal of tools and weapons even explosives I felt ready…..

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