Rippex Letter to Rippex users :(

in #ripple7 years ago

Rippex has announced that they are closing their Ripple platform. They have been in the game since 2014, and I'm sure they have changed many lives. Some will say a lot of these cryptos and platforms are bubbles, that's ready to pop, I say a lot of these cryptos are giving people a better opportunity to live a life of happiness, and freedom.


Here is the letter from Rippex

Rippex discloses a schedule to close its Ripple gateway services

Dear Rippex user,

In 2014, Netmint created an unprecedented service in Brazil by launching Rippex, a solution that allows deposits and withdrawals in Brazilian reais, to and from ripple accounts. That is one of the first solutions of its kind and the first one in Brazil to use the Ripple platform and provide access to the XRP currency.

Our history over the last three years has been marked by the growth of our brand, by the expansion of our services and investments to make our processes even more timely and safe, and, above all, by the development of the trust of our customers and users. We started out with 40 users in the first and today they are thousands.

Along the way, the market has evolved exponentially, which allowed us to grow at the same pace. The national and global scenarios and the progress of technologies provided the leverage needed to expand our business, however restructuring our models is essential to enhance the impact of our products and services. Nevertheless, we highlight that we will continue to work with Ripple and developing the ecosystem around XRP and digital assets as a whole.

We honor a history of credibility and trust and every day we reaffirm our commitment to transparency in servicing our users. That is why we publicly announce the end of the Rippex gateway project. (...)

Full schedule in our blog:

What are your thoughts?


I've not invested in 'ripple' due to the 'decentralised' issue. This, to me, looks a little odd. Interested to seeing follow up statements; and FUD!

I have some ripple, not much, I too stop paying attention because of the same issue. I feel its going to be successful in the future, but controlled, and taxed highly.

Yes, I actually see it as one safe haven to get out from ALTs and BTC when big corrections happen; in fact, I'm sure I read somewhere the other day that was born out. However, I also read some FUD of ripple reaching 1,000,000 transactions per second by 2020. At that point, I just laughed myself asleep.

LOL, I guess we're just going to have to wait and see, I might change my mind and add more risk, by buying more lol.

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