The importance of biodiversity in forests could increase due to climate change

in #news7 years ago

The importance of biodiversity in forests could increase due to climate change

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Global Warming Focus -- Leipzig. Forests fulfil numerous important functions, and do so particularly well if they are rich in different species of trees. This is the result of a new study. In addition, forest managers do not have to decide on the provision of solely one function - such as wood production or nature conservation - as a second study demonstrates: several services provided by forest ecosystems can be improved at the same time. Both studies were led by scientists from Leipzig University and the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and published in the prestigious journal Ecology Letters.

Forests are of great importance to humans: the wood grown in forests is used in our houses for furniture, roof timbers and flooring; forests store carbon from the air and thus counteract climate change, they help prevent soil erosion and regulate the water cycle. Also when we go for a walk in a forest, we use it for recreation. The basis for these benefits are functions that constantly take place in a forest: the trees carry out photosynthesis, grow, produce offspring, defend themselves against hungry insects …!Search:a=14800796

(2017-12-04), The importance of biodiversity in forests could increase due to climate change, Global Warming Focus, 202, ISSN: 1945-7855, BUTTER® ID: 014800796

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