Study: Mental health mobile apps are effective self-help tools

in #news7 years ago

Study: Mental health mobile apps are effective self-help tools

By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Mental Health Weekly Digest -- When it comes to strengthening your mental or emotional health, would you trust an app?

A trio of Brigham Young University health science researchers has published new research that says the answer is yes.

The group was looking to identify what it is about health apps that influences users’ behavior. Over three studies, they surveyed roughly 600 people who had used diet, physical activity or mental health apps in the past six months.

The findings for diet and fitness app users were as expected: more than 90 percent …!Search:a=14802764

(2017-12-04), Study: Mental health mobile apps are effective self-help tools, Mental Health Weekly Digest, 360, ISSN: 1543-6608, BUTTER® ID: 014802764

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