Knowledge mining — the new frontier in deep learning

in #artificial7 years ago

We’ve all heard the quote “knowledge is power”, and in today’s world of rapidly growing computing technology and artificial intelligence- those words seem just as relevant, if not more so, than they have ever been.
The last few years has seen a huge boom in currency mining… but that has come with some very real challenges, as crypto-miners face pressure from the ever decreasing efficiency of their proof of work computations required to mine ether or other coins. This, along with growing competition and consolidation of miner pools as well as the increasing demand for computing power and resources, will soon prevent many smaller miners from keeping their efforts economically feasible. Scam-related risks are also increasing, with industry experts well aware that currency mining may become a distant memory in the long run.
But it’s not all doom and gloom, with an economically viable solution available for crypto-currency miners to help them resolve the aforementioned problems. If you haven’t heard about’s knowledge mining… then be prepared to be blown away.
According to the scientists behind, their solution has practically no drawbacks, giving miners more options than they have ever had. Here’s how it all works- In addition to a miner’s existing software, they can load up a Neuromation Computation Code. When a Neuromation task is available, each node can bid to participate. If the node wins the bid, it will switch computing power from mining ether or other coin, to a task on the Neuromation blockchain platform. The node will then generate synthetic data or train a deep-learning model. As a reward, the miner will then receive’s own crypto-currency… or tokens, as they’re known. Once the task has been completed, the node will exit and the miner will proceed to mining crypto. For now, the tokens will be extending ether, but will move to’s own blockchain once the platform economy matures.
Now, nobody would bother mining if it’s not profitable, right? Here’s how the figures stack up. Neuromation’s preliminary estimates, indicate that miners will earn a massive three to five times more by mining Neuromation tokens, versus crypto-currency. Because miners will not be engaged in Neuromation tasks 100 per cent of the time, it basically works as an efficiency boost to their existing setup.

You’re probably wondering who this technology is available for? Put simply, everyone. wants to extend this approach to the entire deep-learning community, by creating a protocol which utilizes the procession power of mining farms for practical computing. They’ve aptly named this approach “knowledge mining”, and are planning an ICO to implement the idea of creating the largest computing pool for neural networks on the planet.’s mission is to collect the largest distributed computational pool for useful computing, that can be used to solve the fundamental tasks facing the deep-learning community. It would democratize the industry, providing access to projects no matter what budget. These tasks are of practical importance for a whole range of industries and will be implemented through’s laboratories. Members of the deep learning community would benefit greatly by coming together on the platform, in order to solve fundamental industrial challenges. Leading industry scientists are also backing the project, with David Orban and Andrei Rabinovich joining the platform as advisors.
Talking about practical tasks here is the video for you to see how Neuromation puts all this computing power to work.

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