The Evolution and Diversity of the Steemit Whale - Past, Present, and Future.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

In the beginning there were few...

Steem was abundant and competition was low, thus the few gorged themselves until they became blubberous monstrosities capable of consuming any fish that dared to cross their path.

The whales remained fat and powerful - capable of pushing any post of their choosing to the top of the trending page.

Times were good for the Steemit whale, but down below there were rumblings of a revolt amongst the lowly, insignificant minnows.


Whale diversity? The minnow was on to something. You see the few that reaped the benefits of low competition in the beginning all came from the same walk of life and enjoyed similar things.

And incidentally...

For some this was perfectly fine; however, as more minnows joined Steemit the desire for non-crypto and Steem related content grew.

Fortunately there were intelligent whales that recognized the issue and decided to take action into their own hands to appease the minnow masses.

The whales kept to their word and over time minnows from all walks of life slowly grew up to join the whale ranks.

The whale diversity problem was solved and Steemit evolved into a social networking utopia where all points of view were equally represented, supported, and rewarded.

Footnote: This account is 100% factual


What a fantastic bedtime story - and it's 100% factual, too! Any time you can mix a true story with great storytelling and beautiful illustrations that depict actual events, you've got yourself a winner that will survive posterity.

Good job!

Thanks @ats-david
Sleep tight. Don't let the Steemit whales bite.

I slept very well. Unfortunately, I had no dreams of whales showering me with Steem Dollars. I did dream about an alley cat, however. I suppose that could be related.

There definitely is one bitey Orca out there... But most of them are nice.

Yeah, it was a good story with perfect pictures. I even read the balloons. :)


No minnow has "[grown ]up to join the whale ranks".

A maximum upvote value of a few dollars does not make you a whale.

And that alone would imply earning over $100k+

You'd need several $100ks to have an upvote value of $10.

Do you see where I'm going with this?

I don't think it's a good idea to sell unrealistic dreams to newbies with an incomplete understanding of the SP size necessary to have significant influence on the platform.

No minnow has "[grown ]up to join the whale ranks".

Mostly incorrect, though I don't know where exactly you draw the "whale ranks" line.

And that alone would imply earning over $100k+

@stellabelle started in this system with absolutely nothing, and knew literally nothing about Steem or crytpocurrencies when she joined. I know this because I and other early adopters had to help her get up to speed and learn how to do the simplest things like open a cryptocurrency exchange account.

By now, she has even taken out some funds if I'm not mistaken, has invested nothing, and her account is currently worth $200K and was worth more like $500K when the price of STEEM was a bit higher. That was all built by her using her talent as a writer, along with a willingness to learn and grow, to work hard, and to focus on her own positive contributions rather than engaging in sniping, negativity and jealousy.

There are several other bloggers who have done extremely well. In fact they probably outnumber the original whales at this point and while as a group their stake doesn't exceed the whales' stake yet, it probably will in time.

Your negative-mindset trolling is exactly that. Hopefully not too many are dragged down by your miserable attitude and approach to life.

@stellabelle is a fine example of success @smooth. Thanks for bringing that up.
Also I think people forget that steemit is still brand new. It's not even steemit, it's steemit beta. It is going to take awhile for things to begin to balance out.

Totally agree. On the other hand, the way any investment goes, there is a time when "easy money" is gone. The early adopters (like presell ETH buyers), made nice profits for their efforts. Later investors made out nicely, but not the 1000x that they could have.
We can't expect to be where those who arrived at the beginning are. And as the project grows, so will the competition. Except for those who already have large followings and can really hit the ground running, becoming a whale will become more and more difficult.
That's just life. I sure wish I had arrived a lot earlier. But, on the other hand, I am really glad I'm here on the beta, and am looking forward to a nice ride. I don't think I can ever be a whale at this point, both because it's harder now and because the bar will be raised over time. But, if Steemit continues to be successful, I do expect to reap a decent reward for my efforts and investment of time, energy and a little BTC.
Addendum - if Steem goes up in value nicely, folks who arrived now and did poorly are going to be super grateful that they were here.

Not sure where the negativity is. Just being realistic. They've made a lot of money, sure. They won't have the same influence individually as whales. Full stop

Woah there! Where in the story did I say this was how things really are?
Oh wait... I said it right in the footnote. My bad.
Given your username I would think that you would understand this is all meant to be very light-hearted. I don't think anyone reading this is taking it as truth.

Also, newbies don't expect to be whales (they wouldn't mind though). They want what we all want - to make a few bucks off a post.

Ironic, isn't it? Perhaps satire and sarcasm are not so closely related?

Haha, I took it too literally too. And I'm really not average...

I have 6k steem and my votes go from 6c to $50 depending when I vote on something.

I am lazy to make a post , because there will be no value

The artwork is awesome. The story is entertaining as well as informative. Makes me want to keep going. Thanks for this.

Thanks for the comment and welcome to Steemit. Keep going... It's fun!

What a wonderful way to bring a major issue (in my humble opinion anyway) to the trending page. You used a word that I think is important for the growth of Steemit, and that is diversity, voters with enough voting power to hand out worthwhile rewards in as many as possible interests.

Great Job, I wish my upvote could give you more, but I spent too much time lurking and silently learning instead of jumping in and writing until just recently, you get my vote nonetheless :)

Simply not true. There is vast gap between whales and minnows. Indeed some sharks and dolphins joined but the ecosystem is still shit

Hi @kyriacos
I think you forgot to read the footnote.

If this post doesn't trend we riot!

The jellyfish brotherhood has your back.

lol. Thanks @moonjelly
I threw a gratuitous jelly in the last image just for you.

I would cry but I don't have tear ducts.

Even if you did... crying underwater would be a little, well, weird.
I'm gonna give it a try next time I watch 'The Notebook' to see how it works out.

OH YES, I see the whales finally succumbed, we are legion!

Can`t wait for the next episode "Revolt of the non-english speaking minnows" against the language centralization . I wanna see China-Whale! :D :D :D

If Steemit continues to grow and increase in popularity we'll see many clones in foreign languages. I'm sure of it.
It's open source so anybody could launch a variant in their language with minimal effort.

Next comic: entitled minnows.

What a great post! Thank you for the tale. Namaste :)

hahaha good one @mynameisbrian 8]

What a wonderful post. And such beautiful illustration! Thank you!

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