The Chinese Elements - Mandarin Duck / 中国元素 - 鸳鸯

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Many people know that China's Poyang Lake,When winter comes,Tens of thousands of migratory birds will come,there is a bird, We called them "Mandarin Duck"
世界上许多人知道中国的鄱阳湖,因为一到冬季,数以万计的候鸟会来此过冬, 但有一种鸟,他们不会飞往鄱阳湖,它们叫鸳鸯

Their very beautiful/ 它们的长相很漂亮
Do not think that the Female Mandarin Duck will be very beautiful,In fact, male is very beautiful,All for love!
你们不要以为母鸟会很漂亮,在鸟的世界里,其实是公的很漂亮,母的长相很一般, 因为公鸟需要打份漂亮获得母鸟的爱

Distribution in China / 在中国的分布
Wuyuan Mandarin Duck Lake - Shangrao City in Jiangxi ,The world's largest Mandarin Duck wintering habitat, Mandarin Duck Lake is already a major tourist attraction,
If you want to travel, Mandarin Duck best go in October, this time the birds are back,Mountain has a lot of fruit trees,As long as you have the ability to climb trees,It's all free

江西省上饶市婺源县鸳鸯湖是亚洲乃至全世界最大的野生鸳鸯越冬栖息地, 鸳鸯湖已经是婺源重要的旅游景点,距离景德镇开车走高速只需40分钟
在中国想看到这种鸟,有两个地方值得推荐 鸳鸯湖和黎川县,这几年由于天气变化,许多鸳鸯从鸳鸯湖迁往了黎川县,因为那里的生态更完好, 鸳鸯湖是个非常好的景点,如果你想去鸳鸯湖旅行,最好十月份前往,这个时候鸟都回来了,而且这个时候山上的一百多棵板栗全部成熟,
游人是可以免费上树采摘, 无论你摘多少,只要你有本事, 带小孩也会玩得很开心

Love story / 爱情传说
The famous Chinese Birds - Mandarin Duck ,The reason is seen as a symbol of love,Because people see the Mandarin Duck, they are in pairs,You will often see two mandarin Duck play in the water together
People used to describe love between men and women, hope they love each other for life.

作为经常出现在古代中国神话传说和文学作品中的鸟类, 人们常用鸳鸯来比喻男女之间的爱情

The island has a number of concentric lock and tie the knot,If you are still single, not married, you can make a wish, Find your own that a Mandarin Duck
岛上有一个很大的同心锁和月老祠, 如果你还是单身,你可以许下愿望,找到属于你的那一只鸳鸯

But in fact the study found that duck and not love each other for life, they are actually polygamy.
但实际上的研究发现, 鸳鸯并不会爱对方一生一世, 它们其实是一夫多妻制

Mandarin Duck Business,In China you can see many Mandarin duck and related goods, such as Sichuan, Chongqing, more famous,Mandarin Duck hotpot

Hotel Mandarin Duck Couple

Mandarin Duck bathing

Mandarin Duck Goods

There are also two mandarin ducks,Myself

Enjoy :)
following me at @MyFirst


@myfirst, 鸳鸯照片非常专业,帖子越来越好! 下次回国一定要去鄱阳湖

要来鄱阳湖,请十一月份后,那时长江水会退下去,大草原就出来了 :)




The most beautiful birds of his name “Blue Tiger”,Located in the Poyang Lake region, fewer than 100,Precious than China's giant panda.


只羡鸳鸯不羡仙 ,
How to translate en, Do you know?
怎么翻译这句? 估计只有总理的翻译会,你会不会?
ha ha :)


你中文说的不错, 鸟最多的还是冬天的鄱阳湖,十一月份开始,我们晚上睡觉,都能听到成群的大雁在叫,青海可可西里国家级自然保护区也是很有名, 如果我要去,那一定是去那里钓白斑狗鱼了 :)

Amazing pictures... keep up the good work!

thank you very much

恭喜 @myfirst 又来一个大作!!




shume bukur komplimente

Thanks for the beautiful pictures and post. I look forward to you next.

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