Science (Why so special)

in #stemng7 years ago (edited)

What is Science?

Why is it so special?

Science is the main source of Life, so wide and large that a whole novel cannot express what it is in detail, so what ever is been said here is just an overview or a little about Science.

A lot of people believe science is same as technology but am proving them wrong today because I do believe, and I also know that science owns technology.

Since thousands of years our ancestors looked at the night sky and wondered what stars were.

How come, during all those years, none of our ancestors reached any interesting conclusion about what stars are? You might say it’s because they didn’t have the right tools or technology, but why couldn’t they build the tools we use today? Why couldn’t they invent the telescope? Why couldn't they discover things we've discovered now.

So, what happened in the recent human journey that allowed the explosion of knowledge?

Well, Science.

A great new way of discovering new explanations about the world.

What is Science?

Science is life, nature, discovery of new technologies.

How did we come about science?
Science has been in existence even before our fore father's lived.

Science is behind all the wonderful things that are in existence today.

How will a doctor know the cause for a patients sickness?

How will the doctor know how to cure the illness.


How will mankind know how to manage themselves, know their gene their blood group etc. If not for science.

Science is God's best tool for man to make living, even if scientists don't believe in God.>quote

Also, science recognises that knowledge doesn’t come from authority and that everyone can make his point by proving or disproving an existing theory.


Science is like a path, always growing on the land of imperfect knowledge.

But our good explanations have a bright and unexpected reach: we never know in advance how much of the world our new explanations will reveal! Indeed, the theory of evolution reveals much more about who we are than Darwin could have hoped, even when he wrote in 1838: “He who understands baboon would do more towards metaphysics than Locke.”

Science is a way of thinking to always reach better explanations. Let’s take a last example to illustrate what we mean by “way of thinking”: have you ever faced a boss or a person who is always right… even when they are proven wrong? They refuse criticism and testability. I do have a lot of people like that.

In contrast, science is the ability to question the knowledge we take for granted and find ways to test it.

Why science is so special?


If the scientific revolution has brought to humanity so much knowledge, this is mainly due to three reasons inherent in science:

  • Values: Scientists are open to ideas, to changes and to criticisms. They respect the opinions of others, as long as their opinions are rational. They uphold tolerance and integrity. They believe that scientific knowledge can make the world better and that progress is good for humanity.

  • Epistemology: Scientists believe that knowledge doesn’t come from authority but from rational thought, criticism and experimentation. They are interested by theories that can be proven false.

  • Methodology: The scientific method is the way scientists build their knowledge: they debate with others, they establish theories that can be proven wrong, they use all the tools that can keep them from fooling themselves.

Science side effect in brief


In the past, things were different from what they are now. Even though science transformed extensively, it was yet to touch people's lives.

Science is ubiquitous. There are many, especially scientists who have defied the existence of God, and believe that life on earth is a product of natural sciences. People have their own perceptions.

However, none of us are left untouched by the hard knocks involved by this field. Now is the time to ponder over the much-explored negative consequences of science on our society and life.
Much has been said and talked about the importance of science and technology.

In the current 21st century, science has progressed at such a rapid pace that it is now akin to an uncontrollable chain reaction.

However, as the saying goes:

Every rose has its thorns.

Few adversities of the scientific revolution have brought about some major changes on the entire planet, regarding living, as well as nonliving aspects.

Environmental Impacts

They're obvious. They're ubiquitous. They can be witnessed by one and all. They are a matter of mourning over. Environmental issues are the biggest concern that Earth is facing. Depleting ozone layer, increased global warming, reduced vegetation, climate change, animal extinction etc.


The list goes on infinitely. It is the development of industries and establishment of factories and plants, which have harmed everyone on the planet.

Urbanization, improvement in infrastructure, research and development, etc., are some areas of scientific advancements, but their price is too high to be ignored.

Health Impacts

Medical science is no less than a blessing to mankind. Medicines produced all over the world are perceived to be a foolproof cure to a person's illness.


However, there are also some negative points associated with this science.

Today, excessive consumption of drugs can lead to death. Moreover, incorrect consumption of any dosage may lead to fatal maladies, and cure of such diseases is next to impossible.

Where medical science has advanced to an unbelievable extent, it entangles with itself with perils of all kinds, and just a slight ignorance may prove to be a matter between life and death.

Technological Impacts

Technology has provided ease of all kinds to the human race. However, it has made us too busy to even see our loved ones in person, and also has rendered serious health issues, fatal accident and serious death.


Tremendous reliance and dependence on electronic gadgets, appliances, and most importantly, computer technology, has made human life so lethargic that people are witnessing old age much before they are actually supposed to.

With zero physical activity, science might have proven its mettle as an amazingly efficient service to its users, but has got the world adversely hooked to it.

There are no qualms in accepting the fact that science is the biggest revolution ever to planet Earth. However, a normal human being has no idea to what extent, this field advanced today. The negatives of science and technology are nothing but an indication to the verity, that even if one wants, it is impossible to slump down to the ground from the heights touched by this field.

The harm science cause is as much as it gives, if not more. Especially when the right procedure is not taken.

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