Trump may be the most anti-women US President ever

in #life6 years ago

(CNN)Donald Trump wants you to believe he has "great respect" for women, but his words and actions tell a far different story. In fact, Trump may be the most anti-women US president ever.

Case in point: On Friday, Trump defended his former aide Rob Porter after news broke of allegations that Porter had been physically abusive to his two ex-wives, Colbie Holderness and Jennifer Willoughby.
At that point, America had already seen the photo of Holderness with a black eye caused when Porter allegedly punched her. We had heard Porter's second wife, Willoughby tell us that while married to Porter he had been abusive. He "grabbed me from the shower by my shoulders up close to my neck and pulled me out to continue to yell at me," she said. Porter has denied these allegations.

But despite those details, Trump's statement Friday showed no concern for Willoughby or Holderness — only for Porter. Trump first declared that Porter, "says he's innocent, and I think you have to remember that." Trump then added, "We certainly wish him well. It's obviously a very tough time for him. ... We hope that he will have a wonderful career."
A tough time for Porter? Wish Porter well? What about the women who suffered abuse?
And then shockingly on Saturday morning -- after Trump faced criticism for his comments on Porter -- he sent out a tweet that took direct aim at the #MeToo revolution in which he again made it clear his sympathies are with the men accused of wrongdoing, not the women.
"Peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are false. Some are old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused - life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?" (Speaking of due process, White House counsel knew of the allegations about Porter in January 2017, according to The Washington Post; did the Trump administration even investigate the claims over the past year?)
But this is nothing new for Trump. He has a long history of standing shoulder to shoulder with the men who have behaved inappropriately. In 1998, after the Monica Lewinsky scandal made headlines, Trump publicly defended his then friend Bill Clinton by saying he was the real "victim," and referred to Clinton's accusers as "terrible" and "unattractive."

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