John McAfee Revealed #Bitcoin Is A Fraud?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

This article appeared at Natural News.Com on Sunday, September 17, 2017 by: Mike Adams:

John McAfee accidentally just revealed why Bitcoin is a total fraud: Behold the logic of “artificial work”


Business mogul and Bitcoin enthusiast John McAfee appeared on CNBC Fast Money this week to respond to J.P. Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon’s claims that Bitcoin is “a fraud,” and he managed to shut down Dimon’s allegations in just over one minute. - The Daily Sheeple

“I would like to say this, Mr. Dimon: I respect you, sir, for your position. People who rise to your position are not idiots,” McAfee began. “However, sir…you called Bitcoin ‘a fraud.’ I’m a Bitcoin miner. We create Bitcoins. It costs over one thousand dollars per coin to create a Bitcoin. What does it cost to create a U.S. dollar? Which one is the fraud? Because [the dollar] costs whatever the paper costs, but it costs me and other miners over a thousand dollars per coin – it’s called ‘proof of work.’”

Behold the logic of artificial work: How John McAfee just embraced Paul Krugman’s ditch digging fable

The problem with John McAfee’s explanation, of course, is that it admits Bitcoins can only be created through the practice of computational wheel spinning operations where the difficulty and duration of such wheel spinning is artificially made needlessly complex by the Bitcoin algorithm. In a world where Bitcoins used to be created for less than one penny’s worth of computational work, a single Bitcoin now requires over US$1,000 worth of “artificial work” to be achieved. A rational person must ask McAfee, “Why did Bitcoins used to cost just a penny to create, and now they cost a thousand dollars?” The 100,000 X increase in complexity for generating a Bitcoin, it turns out, is an artificial work algorithm known as “computational difficulty” in mining.

...McAfee claims that “artificial work” is actually “proof of work.” In reality, it’s proof of nothing more than the incredible stupidity of the mining infrastructure which is now burning more electricity than a city of one million people just to keep the Bitcoin blockchain from collapsing.

Computation does not automatically equal value

Computation alone does not equal real-world value. John McAfee’s attempt to conflate the two ideas only shows how deeply he has deluded himself about the future of Bitcoin. And those who falsely believe that computation equals value are only allowing themselves to be fooled by this non-logic for the simple reason that they all own Bitcoin — i.e. ) Bix Weir and others — and can’t come to grip with reality without admitting they were wrong all along.


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