Welcome to know Ulord - A Top Public Blockchain Aiming to Change Our Lives (Ⅰ)

in #blockchain6 years ago

Hello, as a fan of Blockchain and CryptoCurrency, I would like to introduce a valuable project to you. It is Ulord. Let me talk about it in details.


1.What is Ulord?
Ulord focuses on creating a peer-to-peer value transfer public blockchain, allowing third-party developers to build their own applications over their open-source agreements, which means to create various scenarios based on the public blockchain, including text, images, music, video, software, etc. The third-party developers can issue tokens to build their own economy or build various applications mainly around Ulord, using UlordToken in Ulord as an in-system credential. In the past mode of information delivery based on the platform or other centralized agencies to get profit, now the intermediate links are removed. The information provider and consumers directly dock on the Ulord platform to maximally ensure the interests of the original creators.

2.What is Ulord for?
Ulord is a distributed P2P internet open source project based on blockchain technology. Different from our daily access to the internet server, there is no concept of server in Ulord, all internet data are scattered in various Ulord user’s computers, and people only need a pair of asymmetric key to publish their own site. Everyone can find the site service announced by the publisher through the search and domain name, and directly download the site data in P2P net. After more and more people’s visit, the publisher’s site will be stored by many computers. Those computers with access to your website will start to make the seed for your site, just like the BT seed, and the content of your site will continue to exist in numerous computers. In Ulord, in order to provide a better user experience, two kinds of role node are used for storage of data, and one is the master node role. The user of this role stores the data on Ulord through providing storage service with high QoS, at the same time, earns the income according to the provided storage space; the other is the common user computer role, which can only backup the user’s favourite resources as a supplement to the master node role. When the users get access to the site service, through the distributed hash table(DHT, Distributed Hash Table) technology, it allows users to quickly download the required data segment from the P2P net, and then it is assembled by the client to restore the complete data. Due to the technology of P2P for bearing, Ulord resources have high availability without downtime.

3.The willing of Ulord
Ulord aims to reconstruct the benefit distribution of information delivery through a decentralized approach, to make all data and knowledge valuable, so that all the values are returned to creators. It makes information autonomy, the benefit right decided by the information producers, and reduces the intermediate control of information and value conversion.
Ulord is determined to use blockchain technology to create a new generation of digital resource interaction platform, which aims to create a basic public blockchain. Ulord adheres to the idea of freedom, openness, respecting for creation and faces the global ecosystem, with the advantages of affirming and distributing copyright, no platform fees, integrated payment system, supporting different digital content formats and more convenient transactions.

Above all, it is a brief introduction of what is Ulord and what Ulord wants to do. I will talk about its advantages, characters in the following atricles.
We are happy to have more and more blockchain developers to develop Dapps based on Ulord.We also welcome blockchain fans to share your every opinion about blockchain and cryptocurrencies with us. We are happy to hear and to make friends with you.

You can find us via:
Telegram: https://t.me/ulordone
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Ulord-225365864705246/
Twiiter: https://twitter.com/UlordChain
Web: https://www.ulord.one/
Waiting for you!

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