AI Will Be Used to Treat Mental Illness? 当AI能够读懂人的内心情感时,你怕了吗?

in #life7 years ago


Researchers funded by the US military are developing appliances to record neural activity and automatically stimulate the brain to treat mental illness.

Brain implants that deliver electrical pulses tuned to a person's feelings and behaviour are being tested in people for the first time. Two teams funded by the US military's research arm, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), have begun preliminary trials of ‘closed-loop’ brain implants that use algorithms to detect patterns associated with mood disorders. These devices can shock the brain back to a healthy state without input from a physician.


The work, presented last week at the Society for Neuroscience (SfN) meeting in Washington DC, could eventually provide a way to treat severe mental illnesses that resist current therapies. It also raises thorny ethical concerns, not least because the technique could give researchers a degree of access to a person's inner feelings in real time.

The approach — using a brain implant to deliver electric pulses that alter neural activity — is known as deep-brain stimulation. It is used to treat movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, but has been less successful when tested against mood disorders. Early evidence suggested that constant stimulation of certain brain regions could ease chronic depression, but a major study involving 90 people with depression found no improvement after a year of treatment.

The scientists behind the DARPA-funded projects say that their work might succeed, because they have designed their brain implants specifically to treat mental illness — and to switch on only when needed. “We've learned a lot about the limitations of our current technology,” says Edward Chang, a neuroscientist at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), who is leading one of the projects.


DARPA is supporting Chang's group and another at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in Boston, with the eventual goal of treating soldiers and veterans who have depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Each team hopes to create a system of implanted electrodes to track activity across the brain as they stimulate the organ.


Mood map
At the SfN meeting, electrical engineer Omid Sani of the University of Southern California in Los Angeles — who is working with Chang's team — showed the first map of how mood is encoded in the brain over time. He and his colleagues worked with six people with epilepsy who had implanted electrodes, tracking their brain activity and moods in detail over the course of one to three weeks. By comparing the two types of information, the researchers could create an algorithm to ‘decode’ that person's changing moods from their brain activity. Some broad patterns emerged, particularly in brain areas that have previously been associated with mood.


Personalized treatment
Wayne Goodman, a psychiatrist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, hopes that closed-loop stimulation will prove a better long-term treatment for mood disorders than previous attempts at deep-brain stimulation — partly because the latest generation of algorithms is more personalized and based on physiological signals, rather than a doctor's judgement.

Still, Chang says, the stimulation technologies that his team and others are developing are only a first step towards better treatment for mood disorders. He predicts that data from trials of brain implants could help researchers to develop non-invasive therapies for mental illnesses that stimulate the brain through the skull. “The exciting thing about these technologies,” he says, “is that for the first time we're going to have a window on the brain where we know what's happening in the brain when someone relapses.”

It is believed that AI technology can be successfully used in the treatment of depression in the near future.

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