

  • 1.Only breed from healthy, happy rabbits.*
    The physical condition of your rabbits when mating them is extremely important. Take your rabbits to a veterinarian before breeding them, just to make sure they are in tip top shape.
    Rabbits should not be underweight or overweight because this affects the success of the breeding. You should monitor what you feed the rabbits and make sure you provide the best nutrition so they are healthy.Check the cage of both the buck and doe for any evidence of diarrhea or loose stools. Check the genitals on both rabbits for any signs of disease of infection, such as extreme redness, discharge, sores, or scabs.

These conditions need to be treated before breeding the rabbits.If your rabbit is aggressive or unhealthy, don't breed it. Breeding aggressive rabbits is not recommended.


  • 2.Put the doe in the buck's hutch.*
    A female's cage will smell like her, so the buck may get distracted by the unfamiliar smells and try to mark the territory. They may also fight.
    Always take the female to the male.


(The Buck and the Doe)

  • 3.Leave the breeding pair together for half an hour.*
    You want to give the rabbits time to mate, preferably 2-3 times. Having them mate multiple times can help with the litter size and the success of the breeding.

Some people breed them again after an hour or later the same day to ensure a mating instead of letting them breed 3 times in a single session.
If the female is anxious, aggressive, or trying to get away from the male, separate them immediately. You may want to check the doe's vent to make sure that the breeding didn't misfire. If you find the doe's back or tail wet, the breeding was not successful. Leave the rabbits in the cage and let them breed again.
It is not ideal for bucks and does to be left together for long periods of time. Although they may get along well, they may also fight if the doe becomes annoyed with the buck.
Does have been known to castrate bucks. Contrary to popular belief, however, there is no danger of a doe becoming pregnant with two litters at once (unlike hares, which CAN carry two pregnancies, but the embryos are stored until she gives birth)

Many breeders like to rebreed the doe at 14 days, in case the first breeding was unsuccessful.
more information to on the look out and for more pictures.


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