PikcioChain-businesses trade and exchange personal data in complete security and with confidence

in #ico7 years ago (edited)

PikcioChain is a secure, compliant and distributed data ecosystem that enables the collection, certification and exchange of personal data.

What is pikciochain?
pikciochain is a secure and distributed license-based platform that specializes in the collection, certification and exchange of personal data. pikciochain allows businesses to trade and exchange personal data with full security and confidence, while empowering individuals by giving them control over their own data and enabling them to realize their financial value.
Pikcio has been designed to store, secure, verify and certify data while ensuring the data source retains full control of their information at all times. Pikcio lets the user choose how to share their data, who to share it with, while also providing them with the opportunity to be paid for its use.
Pikcio breaks open the exclusive world of data trading and puts data ownership back into the hands of the data creator. It represents the democratization of the data markets and the fairest way of making sure that the value of a person’s data always flows back to them.
By creating a transparent and self-regulated data trading ecosystem, Pikcio empowers businesses to trade data with confidence and in full compliance with the wishes of the data owner and the relevant regulatory environment. pk.png

PikcioMe is the gateway for individual end users, enabling them to communicate and share data safely with third parties. Using PikcioMe, individuals can also retrieve their data from different sources or web services and earn Pikcio Tokens by selling or certifying their data. PikcioMe is a personal application that users install on their own devices (laptop, smartphone). It provides access to PikcioChain, our proprietary decentralized network and blockchain architecture (distributed database).

Our Experience
MatchUpBox, the company which owns and develops the Pikcio network was founded by Didier Collin de Casaubon, Fabien Bucamp and Dr Jorick Lartigau PhD. Information about the founders’ careers and the rest of the Pikcio team can be found below:

Allocation of tokens
The fundraiser will last for a period of four weeks after the date of ICO launch. Throughout
this period, the PKC (Pikcio Token) allocated to the crowdsale (the “Sale Tokens”) will
represent from 20% up to 33% of the amount of PKCs created for the fundraiser (see steps
For the Pre-Token Sale
● A contribution of one bitcoin (1 XBT) will lead to an allocation of 6’000 PKC plus a time
dependent premium
● Capped at 80% of the Sale Tokens
● The following premium will be offered:

In addition to the Tokens available in the ICO, the Company will issue:
A. The same amount as issued for the Sale Token. These PKC will be used to promote adoption of the Ecosystem via rewards and other incentives for participants (the “Incentivization Supply”). Some of the ways in which a company anticipates using the Incentivization Supply may include:

  1. Early adopters in the form of commercial partners (“Partners”) who implement PikcioChain solutions will receive free Tokens from the Incentivisation Supply, enabling them to pay some fees in Tokens and to benefit from any rise in utility
    brought about by greater adoption of the Ecosystem.
  2. Users may also receive Tokens from the Incentivization Supply. For example, at sign up via a Company-supported website, the website owner, a Partner, and new Users may receive a certain number of Tokens, and Users may also receive Tokens for referring new participants to the Ecosystem.
  3. Company reserves the right to prescribe lockup requirements regarding the Incentivization Supply Tokens distributed to Partners or Users.
    B. Up to 60%, or the difference between 100% and the total token issued for the crowdsale (Sales Token) and the token issued for the Incentivization Supply will be issued and allocated to the Pikcio AG, subsidiary of MatchUpBox (the “Company Inventory”), for its use as follows:
  4. One third of the PKT Tokens will be available from the Crowdsale End Date; another third of the Company Inventory will remain in a locked state for 1 year from the Crowdsale End Date; and the remaining third of the Company Inventory will remain in a locked state for 2 years from the Crowdsale End Date.
  5. Once unlocked, Pikcio AG reserves the right to use the Company Inventory for any purposes at its sole discretion.
  6. When on sale, the Tokens from the Company Inventory will be sold by the Company Inventory for the then market price.
    ICO RoadMap
    ico roadmap.png
    that's a bit about PikcioChain,If u want more read or Join ICO Visits below links:
    website : https://pikciochain.com/en/
    whitepaper: https://pikciochain.com/static/files/PikcioChain_Whitepaper_English.pdf
    telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/FnQXtxIUPkLYFKcSnD5JsA

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