Mind Control IS Real!

in #philosophy7 years ago

So. You might think, I think, I know anything. Well, I don't. I just share with others. And what I bring up is just something else to think about. It's up to YOU to consider if it makes sense, devoid of irrationality, superstition and mysticism, and, if it does, then put it to use. Bottom line: YOU must take personal responsibility for everything in your life. Now let's get started.

Some people are so mind controlled they don't even think mind control exists, and if they think it exists, they do not think it pertains to them. Well, IT DOES EXIST, and it does pertain us all, whether you believe or not.

That's one type of mind control, right there. Many people think just because they do not believe something, it doesn't exist, and many think just because they DO believe something that it DOES exist, and those are not truths. Many people believe in things that are not true and many people don't believe in things that ARE true. My question is WHY?

Restated: That is a kind of mind control in and of itself, and the problem, with society, and people make up society.
As a whole, society believes in mystical, irrational, and superstitious thought. As a result they take actions based on these false beliefs.
THAT'S WHY INDIVIDUALS AND YOUR SOCIETIES ARE THE WAY THEY ARE! Because the individuals in that society have been mind controlled. Easily manipulated by neo-cheaters, and neo-cheating, manipulated by a `hive mind' mentality, along with social and cultural programming.

Because the many' believe something, does not make it true. The belief that something is true, that isn't, is because they are mind controlled by themselves and by their society or group. Why do people do this? To fit in? To be liked by everyone else? To be part of the status quo? Because they live in fear, and think there is strength in numbers? Or they've been mind controlled to believe in false theories likeoriginal sin,' social Darwinism, moral relativism and other myths, as a world view.

Many people innocently respond, "My parents would never lie to me." But the truth is, that they were mind-controlled also, and were also taught to believe, what it is that they were teaching you. Very big problem for the individual and society, because individuals and societies in the aggregate build a mindset based on those false beliefs and then take actions based on them, into their environment, and that is where you see the manifestations of their madness. (*note: you will see the manifestations of the moral and positive effects of right thinking, speech and action in your environment, also).

You need to start questioning where your beliefs came from, and if they're true or not, how you came to believe them and start questioning oneself. Start by asking if what you're thinking or saying is actually based in truth, or in ego, narcissism, self importance or some other mental malfunction?
That is how you will discover correct answers about yourself and the world around you.
These are major priorities in self-discovery of the consciousness that you are. If you do not pursue this as a self-study your entire life, how can you be of any value to yourself or others? You can & will still, live your life with all its joys and obstacles, but your self observation should always be at it's core. Self knowledge and the knowledge of the world around you. Your environment.

So, you want to be dysfunctional like everyone else just because that is the norm, and don't want to be left out, or what? Restated: The problem is: Many believe things that are NOT true, and refuse to accept the things that are.

Next time we'll talk about how to discover truth, even with the limitations of not knowing all the facts, as best we can. We need to do this for ourselves and then share with others to help them dilute their irrationality, and with more rational & functioning information, everyone begins to figure out the truth: "That much of what we have been taught is a big lie." That will be the beginning for us all to wake up as individuals, and that is what our societies will become. Reflections of ourselves. That is what our societies are now. Just a reflection of ourselves and our false beliefs.

We can change that. But only our actions will do that. Faith is ACTION! Action is faith. NOT blind belief! What do your actions show you? What do your actions show others? When your speech, thought and actions are congruent, then things will work for you and everyone else. YES, your congruent speech, thoughts and actions can and DO effect others! Don't fear being one of the functional, rational beings on this earth, even if it is not popular, because your only other option is to be like them. Which is NOT in your best interest or theirs. You can make a difference.

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